So, we don't know if it will have a global ocean or many endorheic basins, a global or many continents or if it will be composed of a mixture of land and water, like the Moon. On Earth, the average temperature is +15 degrees C. By using greenhouse gasses we will try the best to get a similar value. Though it is much easier to build small floating bases. If those were reacted with carbon, than they would form CO2 and CH4 respectively. Callisto is very interesting. The lower layer will be hotter and will contain most of the air, while the upper layer will be cold and will compress the lower layer. So, Callisto might behave like a Mountain Planet. Both are greenhouse gases. As Callisto has a relative abundance of water-ice, terraforming might not be as difficult as it seems. These features are ideal for separating ecosystems. Because of this, the atmosphere will heat in day time. Still, settlers will have to produce the food they need to eat. The Solar Constant is low (0.073), compared to Earth (1.98). With less gravity and a mild climate, Callisto will be a good destination for people who suffer from many heart, circulatory and respiratory diseases. This will stimulate people to settle here. After the greenhouse gases begin heating Callisto, the water would melt to form oceans (The Oxygen part of the atmosphere could be created by electrolysis of some of this water). Callisto has no volcanic activity and probably no quakes. From all four Galilean moons, Callisto will have the best climate for humans. Above the greenhouse shield, they will cool fast and freeze, producing water ice clouds, that will mostly condensate and fall back to the surface. Nevertheless here's one theory. The other theoretical plan, however, is more practical. The extremely fluffy atmosphere also helps us maintain a global temperature similar for the whole moon. If those were reacted with carbon, than they would form CO2 and CH4 respectivally. This will ensure a more stable atmosphere. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Conclusion: Callisto will not have a safe atmosphere for long, but can hold one that will remain breathable for maybe 10 thousand years. Because of the fluffy atmosphere, temperature will not decrease significantly with altitude. Greenhouse Gases are needed. The needed amount of sulfur hexafluoride is 0.189 kg/sqm. Orbits around the moon appear to be stable for enough time. Callisto is dominated by craters (see Geographic Pattern - Craters). Fluorine, however, is quite rare and it makes up most atomic mass of SF6. Still, there is a higher chance for settlers to see blue sky. Still, assuming sky visibility similar to Earth, one will see the following celestial bodies: No other moon will be visible even as a star. Craters are at home throughout the solar system, but nowhere more so than on the surface of Callisto: this moon has the oldest and most heavily cratered surface of any known planet or moon. This will ensure a more stable atmosphere. That, however, is beyond the current technology. The best way to create a stable atmosphere, is to fill it with heavy inert gases (Xenon, Krypton). It is abundant on Io, which is also in the Jovian system. After this, the entire Earth's supply and reserves of a potent green house gas, say Sulfur Hexafluoride would have to be sent to Callisto. With other words, this moon is made of a mixture of rocks and ices that alternate down to its center. Major industrial complexes will move to other moons, letting here those industries that don't harm too much the environment. The terraforming of Callisto would require vast amounts of nitrogen gas to be deposited or created as its buffer gas; bacteria can help add nitrogen by converting ammonia found on Callisto's surface into nitrates, then nitrogen. The terraforming of Callisto would be very difficult with current technology. Most interplanetary ships will dock at Himalia, while cargo and passengers will be transshipped to and from Ganymede by smaller ships. -Composition:  ~4 × 108 cm−3 carbon dioxide[6] up to 2 × 1010 cm−3 molecular oxygen(O2)[. Because of this, plants don't get enough light to grow like on Earth. The Greenhouse Calculator provides us with some useful values. Callisto's day is over 16 times longer than Earth's, so its atmosphere would have to be thick enough to distribute heat from the day to the night side. It brings a difference of 8 degrees C between day and night. Its Hill sphere is larger and perturbations from other moons and Jupiter itself are not so strong. Air transport will have a significant importance. For that reason, we cannot rely on SF6 alone. Callisto has a very small axial tilt, so there will be no seasons. One thing is clear: there will be many lakes, islands and peninsulas, from the former craters. Terraforming Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Because Callisto is farther away from the sun than the Moon, it would be less problematic for Callisto to hold an atmosphere. It is impossible to launch a satellite into a geosynchronous orbit, so there will be many satellites orbiting the moon. Atmosphere stability for water molecules: Callisto's gravity (-100 degrees C): 20.16. In that case, ices will be covered with a protective insulation, while rocks with a higher melting point will not. Roads and railways will have to pass through many obstacles like crater rims. Callisto is a dead object. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Istoria Wikia is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. On the other hand, the atmosphere is high enough to pass over obstacles. Experiments made with grain crops showed that at Jupiter's orbit, it is possible to grow and harvest cereals (see Plants on new worlds and Agriculture for details).

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