and harry replies, 'theres no need to call me sir, professor.' She looks like a supermodel - a supermodel sitting in your favorite cafe, across from your favorite…. “Stupid question, Sirius. “I…” You don’t even know how to respond to that, so instead, you change the subject. To any passersby, it would look like you’re one of the most studious people alive. Maybe it was the proximity, maybe it was the drinks you both had consumed making you tipsy, maybe a combination of the two - either way, he spent that night in your bed. Mar 29, 2014 - "There's no need to call me sir, Professor" Mar 29, 2014 - "There's no need to call me sir, Professor" Mar 29, 2014 - "There's no need to call me sir, Professor". The only reason you’re so torn up about this is that you’ve become accustomed to having him in your life… and in your bed. He’s been a part of your life for as long as you can remember. You’re suddenly very aware of the fact that you’re only wearing your towel. “There may be one legible sentence there.”, Sirius grins and flips his notebook closed. The one that, when he saw for the first time, he immediately said - “This will be our place, Y/N. Gone are the times when you’d go get donuts and eat them as messily as possible just to make the other laugh. Lily: Well, and you. By using iFunny you agree to our Privacy policy. Just for us.”. And if anyone knows exact … I’m disappointed.”, He leans back in his chair and sighs, the picture of relaxation. “What?”, You sigh. You and Kevin get along great and, well, he makes you laugh. Standing up on your tiptoes, you glance through the peephole out of habit - and freeze. You’ll never admit this to her, but it’s the wakeup call you needed. Otherwise, this conversation might put me to sleep.”, Kevin adopts an expression of mock outrage. document.getElementById("ask_form").allowTransparency=true; ☆–> overview: “when we started this we agreed that we’d stop if we found someone else and now I’m freaking out because I think you have”. You suppose that you will be getting a call from Sirius soon. ". Now you can’t stop thinking about him looking at the coffee shop girl like that. N incorrect-marauders Follow James: (to Lily) Vou look well. “Considering you’ve spent all your time with him, I’d say he is.”, You open and close your mouth, not knowing what to say. It wasn’t even awkward to hook up with your best friend. “I thought you said you were busy tonight.” His eyes leave yours only for a second to glance at Kevin, who inches a little closer to you in response. It’s only natural to want something more, Sirius, and -”, “Y/N, for the love of God -” Sirius has never raised his voice at you, and him doing it now makes you stare at him, wide-eyed. Horror buff. That, you weren’t prepared for. It’s been two weeks - two weeks of dating Kevin and reaching out to Sirius. There’s no way you’re answering the door for him right now. Your heart is beating incredibly fast as you stare at him through the peephole. Every time you do, you see the coffee shop. “I - I just want my best friend back.”, “He’s not my best friend! His disheveled hair is falling forward onto his forehead, and his usual smirk is present on his face. You have plans, after all - ones that don’t involve you being in love with your best friend. You check your phone when you’re back in your room, sighing when you see no missed calls or texts. You’ve been friends with benefits with Sirius for the past year, but do you actually have any claim on him at all? Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is the sixth book in the Harry Potter series, written by J.K. Rowling.It was first published in 2005. Why didn’t you answer the door?” He runs a hand through his hair, looking actually worried. - Hagrid "There are some things you can't share without ending up liking each other, and knocking out a twelve-foot mountain troll is one of them.’ - Harry Potter I "There is no need to call me Sir, Professor." Obviously, you two have the same friend group, so your paths cross once in a while - but gone are the late-night phone calls and study sessions. “Sirius…”. “Let’s go back to the library - they have a Starbucks on the ground floor, remember?”. His eyes aren’t even moving across the page. I can’t lose the girl I love all over again.” He hunches over his work, effectively cutting you out of his space, but you just sit there, jaw dropped. Even now, as you sit in the same chair where it all started, staring blankly at the wall in front of you, you reiterate that don’t have feelings for him. “Y/N! Your brain seems to be a glutton for punishment. Tilting your head back, you let the water beat down on your face, trying to wash your feelings away. there's no need to call me "sir," professor tori. You are, how could you even -”, He scoffs, cutting you off. You feel like a statue as you stare unblinkingly at the two people in the coffee shop. That’s great. You exhale, only then realizing how close you’ve gotten to the window because it fogs up slightly, blurring your view. It all started a couple of months ago. Sirius (surprisingly) hasn’t figured out that you fancy him yet and today is not going to be the day he does - especially not here. You thought you would be ready to end this, but… you’re not. We both know what this is.” You gesture between the two of you, suddenly feeling exhausted. You looked -” you glance at him, making eye contact before continuing. Aspiring novelist. You and most of your friends were all in your tiny apartment, and the seating arrangements were a little tight. Neither of you harbored any real feelings for each other, something that was repeated many times by both of you. And now, Harry, let us step out into the night and pursue that flighty temptress, adventure. Sirius simply glances down at it, narrows his eyes, then looks back at you. There's no need to call me 'Sir', Professor + message Home Navigation My Gifs Archive. 'Never be ashamed,’ my ol' dad used ter say, 'there's some who’ll hold it against you, but they're not worth botherin' with." Y/N, love, it’s been amazing, but -. You can tell that he notices your approach because of the way he tenses up. blog, of-foolish-and-wise. You repeat that over and over again in your head. Favorite friend? And I know you’ve found someone else now. You’ve barely even seen him, so you haven’t been able to reach out and make him talk to you - until today. Photoshop enthusiast. You want to make him happy again. You can almost hear his husky voice now - in your ear, as it has been so many times before, but saying something that you don’t want to hear. “We both remember rule 3.”. Friendship always comes first, no exceptions. That smirk has been aimed towards you way too many times to count, and it still makes you weak in the knees. Even if it’s not one, you’d like to think of it like that. You groan and stand up, grabbing your phone and moving to the bedroom. You and Kevin are at the library, actually studying this time, when you lean back to stretch and spot Sirius sitting a couple tables away. Too bad that you haven’t paid them any mind for the last hour. This is the way to make him happy. It would be nice to see if she’s good for him, at least. No need to call me sir, professor - Harry Potter 2. When he speaks, his voice is even lower than usual, making your heartbeat pick up. You absentmindedly reach out and draw a heart in the steam, remembering the last your mirror was this steamy. At the coffee shop.” You narrowly stop yourself from saying our coffee shop. Harry Potter Stuff. burrito eater, frisbee thrower, photo taker. What can I do to help?”. . Trying not to smile too wide, you nod and hop out of your chair. “Hey, man,” he says, extending his hand. You keep one eye on it as you strip, waiting for the screen to light up with the dreaded call. “I love you, Y/N. Oh there's so many in the book (only some of which made it to the movies), most of them being Harry (book potter is sass potter). Sirius was over, as usual, and one thing led to the next… that was the best shower you ever had. Her outfit is clearly designer, which makes you feel pretty self-conscious about your own clothes. “Y/N! “There’s no need to call me ‘sir’, Professor. We and our partners operate globally and use cookies, including for analytics. And you can finally admit to yourself that you broke rule 2 as well. A knock on your apartment door startles you out of your trance. This tumblr is entirely dedicated to the Harry Potter series and cast! Sirius will never feel for you the way that you feel for him. I state that the information in this notification is accurate and, under penalty of perjury, that I am the owner of the exclusive right that is allegedly infringed, or an authorized agent for the owner. Of course, he wasn’t going to make this easy for you. “What’s the problem then? The truth is, you have a study… date? It doesn’t matter that you haven’t yet felt a spark (like the one you feel every time you lock eyes with your best friend), does it? Avid reader and trailer watcher. “I’ll see you later, Sirius!” you call, then hightail it back to your apartment. twenty six. You nod, steeling yourself for what you’ve known was coming this whole time. The former is going wonderfully. You stare at the heart you’ve drawn, watching the condensation that formed from the path of your finger drip down the mirror like teardrops. You stare at it, trying to ignore the warmth emanating from it and the need for him that you feel throughout your entire body. Han, 18. Lunging forward, you kiss him, almost wildly. You smile at the memory, but your smile falters when it changes. Wait up -” You glance back to see Sirius caught in the crowd and trying desperately to push through everyone. “W-what?”, He looks nervous again, as he brings his hand to your cheek and places it there gently. You back up and take one last look inside the coffee shop before spinning around and hightailing it back to your apartment. “Y/N! "Look in the mirror... that's your competition. “Are you - are you mad at me?”, “I know why you’re here.” You turn your head and when you make eye contact with him, you almost lose your nerve.

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