here to purchase the exhibit catalog, Resident Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. Click below to read Part II in the “Why Beauty Matters” series. The test of time is important, but the important time is now. A sculptor told me recently that Sir Roger Scruton’s documentary “Why Beauty Matters” had a profound effect on his life and career as an artist. I have summarized each part below. Hardcover catalog book includes numerous In his analysis of architecture and urban decay Scruton makes no mention of government policy or economics, as if towns and cities collapse into ruin simply because people have an aversion to unsightly architecture. 1920. Why Beauty Matters by Roger Scruton (1944 — 2020) by Vanderleun. Screen capture from "Why Beauty Matters. Scruton comments on the juxtaposition; “There is all the difference in the world between a real work of art - which makes ugliness beautiful - and a fake work of art, which shares the ugliness that it shows.”, Scruton: Why Beauty Matters (Part 6) In The modern cult of ugliness, a December 2009 article for the Daily Mail, Scruton lets us know who the culprits are; “official uglification of our world is the work of the ivory-towered elites of the liberal classes - people who have little sympathy for how the rest of us live and who, with their mania for modernizing, are happy to rip up beliefs that have stood the test of time for millennia.”. ‘Getting and spending’ wrote Wordsworth ‘we lay waste our powers.’ In our culture today the advert is more important than the work of art, and artworks often try to capture our attention as adverts do, by being brash or outrageous. But that is my critique, not Roger Scruton’s. I have summarized each part below. But we can reach a consensus on the importance of beauty, and its place in our lives. He tells us that: "Beauty is assailed from two directions, by the cult of ugliness in the arts, and by the cult of utility in everyday life. But the question posed by modern philosophers such as Roger Scruton, of Oxford University, is: how do we want it to affect us? In Totalitarian Sentimentality, his Dec. 2009 article for the neoconservative journal The American Spectator, Scruton makes clear his view that conservatism best guards all things noble and just, while liberalism is but a hair’s breadth from tyranny and despotism. But many modern artists, argues the philosopher, have become weary of this “sacred task” and replaced it with the “randomness” of art produced merely to gain notoriety. Scruton: Why Beauty Matters (Part 1) But we can reach a consensus on the importance of beauty, and its place in our lives. Even if we returned to the classical curriculum, and taught European culture as it was taught to me, that would not bring back the public consensus on which our civilization depends. It was not beauty but ‘originality,’ however achieved, and at whatever moral cost, that won the prizes. For example, in a 2006 essay titled Quo vadis? It is soul-killing. However, the “Documentary Addict” website now offers the complete Why Beauty Matters video. Postmodern art makes for an easy target, as it is has altogether forsaken skill, craft, and beauty - the very things most people think of when considering the arts. I encourage everyone to view Mr. Scruton’s film in its totality. Dix painted this portrait of an old war widow forced to turn to prostitution in order to survive. Please watch this brilliant, classic documentary by the late Sir Roger Scruton on “Why Beauty Matters.” —The editors This essay was first published here in December 2011. Namely, says, Scruton, away from seeking “higher virtues” such as beauty and craftmanship, and instead, towards novelty for novelty’s sake, provoking emotional response under the guise of socio-political discourse. Click here for a subscription to this artists during an extraordinary period of American history.

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