In 169 BC, Gentius arranged the murder of his brother, Plator, because Plator's plan to marry Etuta, daughter of the Dardanian king, Monunius II of Dardania, would have made him too powerful. Besieged at Medion, the Acarnanians sought assistance from Demetrius II of Macedonia, who for the most of his reign had been at war with the Aetolian and Achaean Leagues. In the second half of the third century BC, the Ardiaei kingdom was transformed into a formidable power under the leadership of Agron. At this point, Perseus sent his first embassy to Gentius, consisting of the Illyrian exile Pleuratus, for his command of the Illyrian language, and the Macedonians Adaeus and Beroea. In 246 BC, a colony of Roman citizens was settled at Brundisium to keep a watch on the Ionian gulf.

Appian, The Illyrian Wars 1 Appian of Alexandria (c.95-c.165 ): one of the most underestimated of all Greek historians, author of a Roman History in twenty-four books. [55] On the third day of the truce, Gentius surrendered to the Romans, who gave him a dinner with full honours and then put him under arrest. [21] The Epirotes signified their acceptance of the Illyrian victory by sending envoys to Teuta promising cooperation with them and hostility towards the Leagues of Greece. When the ambassadors complained of injuries to Romans, Teuta promised that no royal forces would harm them, but said that she was unable to put an end to the tradition of private enterprise.

Appian. Meanwhile, Demetrius continued on into the Aegean with 50 ships. [15] The new force disposed of 'the most powerful which could carry 50 soldiers in addition to the rowersforce, both by land and sea, of any of the kings who had reigned in Illyria before him', according to Polybius (2.2). [6], The Second Illyrian War lasted from 220 BC to 219 BC. Wilkes, John (1995). Perseus continued his efforts to involve Gentius in the war—preferably, it was said, at no cost to his treasury. 1 (1994): 46–59. with the additional restriction that you offer Perseus any modifications you make. His fleet, the size of which is not known, was strengthened by a draft of 5,000 sailors. For the Rhodians, who made their living as maritime traders, piracy was a serious problem; with Macedon and Egypt having abandoned their control in the Aegean, it fell to Rhodes to police these waters. (1998).

The Illyrians were now on the point of controlling all of the coastline north of the Gulf of Corinth, including all of the sea routes to Sicily and Italy via Corcyra. Enter a Perseus citation to go to another section or work.

Wilkes, J. J. [2] Attacks on trading vessels of Rome's Italic allies by Illyrian pirates and the death of a Roman envoy named Coruncanius[3] on Teuta's orders,[4] prompted the Roman senate to dispatch a Roman army under the command of the consuls Lucius Postumius Albinus and Gnaeus Fulvius Centumalus. [22], Even before the war with Carthage (264-241 BC), the Romans had been aware of the danger to the Adriatic coast of Italy from seaborne attack.

The Illyrian Wars Book X The Illyrian Wars I. Appian of Alexandria (c.95-c.165): one of the most underestimated of all Greek historians, author of a Roman History in twenty-four books.

§18: Augustus attacks the Iapydes

§30: Conquest of the Mysians. Your current position in the text is marked in blue. The Corcyraeans, along with Appolonia and Epidamnos, sought assistance from the Leagues of Greece. An XML version of this text is available for download, Gentius replied that he lacked not the will to fight the Romans, but only the money. Following the war, Demetrius married Triteuta, Agron's first wife and mother of Pinnes, in or around 222 BC, which consolidated his position. They were attacked en route by Illyrian vessels, and one of them was killed, together with an Issaean ambassador.[18]. There are two systems to divide the Illyrian Wars: in thirty sections or five chapters. Series of wars fought in the period 229–168 BC between the Roman Republic and the Ardiaei kingdom, Surrender of Dimallum and Issa (219/18 BC), Destruction of the Ardiaei kingdom (168 BC). [23] During their occupation of Phoenice, a number of Illyrian ships had engaged in privateering against Italian merchants. The fleet moved northwards and attacked coastal towns, one of which being the unidentified Noutria.

The strategy worked, and when the main Roman army appeared from another direction on the island, the Illyrian army was forced to give battle, as they were cut off from their city. When Gentius imprisoned two Roman envoys sent by Appius Claudius at Lychnidus, Perseus recalled the rest of the subsidy in the belief that Gentius was now his ally, come what may.[53]. Moreover, not only were the Ardiaei prevented from moving at will by land and sea into Epirus and western Greece, but they were now cut off from the inland route to Macedonia, their patron and ally against the Greek Leagues. The Roman Republic called for the extradition[51] of Demetrius, but Phillip refused. The Medionians joined the action by sallying out of the town and charging the Aetolians, thus, after killing a great number, and taking a still greater number prisoners, and becoming masters also of their arms and baggage, the Illyrians, having carried out the orders of Agron, conveyed their baggage and the rest of their booty to their boats and immediately set sail for their own country. [20], Illyrian success continued when command passed to Agron's widow Teuta, who granted individual ships a license to universal plunder. The Roman invasion of Macedonia in 168 BC forced the king to promise a subsidy to Gentius, whose ships might be employed to attack the Romans. The Romans also set up[5] Demetrius of Pharos as a power in Illyria to counterbalance the power of Teuta. Full search

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