Legs and feet are black.Feeds on nectar and insects. Sexes are similar; the male is larger. White line divides green speculum and pale blue shoulder patch on wing. Southern birds have light brown upperparts and buff underparts. Head has brown cap, white eyebrows, and dark eye-lines. Eats mostly fresh grasses and grains, often in the company of Snow Geese. It made a call I would associate with the raven or crow, but I can't be certain. Long, slightly forked tail, often fanned out. Short flights, alternates rapid wing beats with brief periods of wings pulled to sides. Split in 2016 by the American Ornithologist Union. The white-edged side and flank feathers form a striking border between sides and back. A thin, white stripe extends from bill to cheek. Head crest is black, facial skin is red, and large bill is blue-gray and hooked. Northern Bobwhite: Medium, morphologically variable quail, most with unique head pattern of white face and throat, dark eyestripe, rufous-brown (eastern and Great Plains) or black (Florida) center stripe on top of head. Spotted Towhee: Large sparrow, white-spotted black back, black rump. It is a ground nester, prefers Jack Pine stands over 80 acres in size. Bill is dark and legs and feet are pink. Black wings have two white bars. Legs and feet are gray-pink. Cassin's Sparrow: Medium, skulking grassland sparrow, fine brown streaks on gray-brown head and back, buff underparts. Darting erratic flight. Females (especially immatures) are paler, with less streaking and usually a wash of buff on the flanks. Steady deep wing beats. Swift direct flight with quick wing strokes. Swift direct flight. The wings have pale rust-brown patches and black flight feathers. Pink legs, feet. Feeds on insects, amphibians, reptiles, rodents, eggs and young of other birds, seeds, fruits and berries. Photo 1: Bird on the ground - you can see a small patch of white on the wing. Red-orange legs and feet. It alternates several shallow rapid wing beats and short glides, and flies in a straight line formation. Hooded Oriole: Medium oriole with bright orange-yellow head and nape, and black back, face, throat, and upper breast. Dark pale edged wing feathers. When wet holds wings in spread eagle position to dry. Wings are black with white spots. May hover briefly above prey. Note that starlings in breeding plumage (left) are mostly black but upon closer look, quite iridescent. This product and/or its method of use is covered by one or more of the following patent(s): US patent number 7,363,309 and foreign equivalents. Feet and legs are dull yellow. i am not an 'enthusiast' but have been watching birs in an informal way for 40 years, it is not a pied wagtail, i regularly watch them roosting. Neotropic Cormorant: Small, long-tailed cormorant. Crown, nape, and face are gray; eye-rings appear as large, white spectacles. Bright yellow body with black wings and red head. Black upper and lowerparts may show blue gloss. Soars on thermals and updrafts. Tricolored Heron: Medium heron, blue-gray upperparts, head, neck, wings, paler rump, white stripe on foreneck, white belly. Alternates rapid wing beats with short glides. Wings have white stripes visible in flight. It flies low over the water with rapid wing beats. Alternates deep flaps and glides, soars on thermals. Tail is short and wings have two bars. Black bill, legs and feet. Upper mandible is dark gray, while lower mandible is pale pink with black tip. Diet includes insects, fish, shellfish and crabs. Carolina Chickadee: Small chickadee with gray upperparts, distinct black cap and bib, dull white cheeks, and white underparts with rust-brown flanks. Bill is heavy and slightly hooked. Gray Kingbird: Large flycatcher with gray upperparts, black mask, inconspicuous red crown patch, and mostly white underparts with pale yellow wash on belly and undertail coverts. Wood Stork: Large, odd wading bird, mostly white except for black flight feathers and tail. Tail and rump are black. To see this please jump to the Iceland Gull species account. Feeds on fish, aquatic insects, and their larvae. Sage Thrasher: Small thrasher, gray upperparts, dark-streaked white underparts with pale brown wash. Wings are dark with two white bars. Bouyant flight with steady wing beats, alternates several wing strokes with short to long glides. It feeds on invertebrates, frogs and fish. It hides in dense thickets, where it forages on the ground looking for insects, spiders, and caterpillars. Strong and fast flight on rapidly beating wings. It flies in a straight line formation. Secretive, heard rather than seen. Solitary, or in pairs and family groups. Black-chinned Hummingbird: Medium hummingbird with metallic green upperparts, gray underparts, white breast, green-washed flanks. Tail is long, dark, and wedge-shaped; underwings show broad dark margins. Soars to great heights. Very active bird, nervous and restless while foraging. Feeds on frogs, fish, mollusks, small mammals and crustaceans, grain and roots of water plants. Yellow eyes. Wings have two bars: upper bar is yellow, lower bar is white. Wings are brown with chestnut-brown patches. Clark's Nutcracker: Medium, noisy and inquisitive jay with pale gray head and body. Tail is pale gray, dark band at base. Underparts are brown-barred white on breast and sides, and white on belly. Eyes are red. Feeds on nuts, insects, eggs and young of other birds, lizards, carrion and small mammals. Dark juvenile is darker overall; has gray throat and lacks white belly. The extent of that visibility can vary depending on the bird's posture and feather positions. We disagree about the placement of the feathers though. Black bill, legs and feet. Swift flight with shallow wing beats. Strong direct flight with rapid wing beats. White-faced Ibis: This medium-sized wading bird is iridescent bronze-brown overall and has a thin band of white feathers around its bare red face, a long, down curved bill, and red eyes, legs and feet. Bill is moderately short, not as strongly curved as similar curlews. The best bird guide and bird watching search engine to identify birds in the world. It specializes in eating bees and wasps, which is why it is also known as the bee bird. Diet includes aquatic invertebrates. They spend most of their time in the tops of tall fir and pine trees, making them difficult to see. Tail is black. Black Guillemot Adult: Medium-sized seabird, black body with a large white wing patch and a dark, pointed bill. Tail is short with white edges. It usually forages in understory vegetation and dead leaves. Head shows a dark eyestripe. The bill is dark. Dark morph is red-brown with white flight feathers. Bill, legs and feet are black. It has been listed as an endangered species since 1987. Gray Flycatcher: Small flycatcher with gray or olive-gray upperparts and pale gray underparts. Legs and feet are brown. Head is large, glossy, and purple-black with golden yellow eyes and a crescent-shaped white patch behind a dark bill. Western Willets are larger but more slender, with a narrower bill than Eastern Willets. Eurasian Collared-Dove: Medium dove, pale gray overall with darker cinnamon-brown wash over back. It eats a variety of plant species and parts, especially grasses, sedges, grain and berries. Great Cormorant: Largest North American comorant. Sexes are similar. Black bill, legs and feet. Orange-brown crown is marked with fine dark lines. It has a fast smooth flight with rapid wing beats. Wings are dark with green shoulder patches. The upper breast has a pale olive wash. Forages in bushes, trees and on ground for seeds and insects. Bouyant, silent flight with flicking wing beats. Bill is dull yellow to gray-green (eastern) or orange-yellow (western). Rock Ptarmigan: Small grouse with black, brown, and buff mottled upperparts, white underparts with variable dark mottling, and white wings. It has a swift, graceful flight, alternating several rapid shallow wing beats with a glide. The wings are short and rounded. Hovers in display flight and when foraging. Head has bright orange crown patch bordered with yellow and black, white eyebrows and black bill. Sexes are similar. Black-throated Sparrow: Medium sparrow, gray-brown upperparts, white underparts, black bib. Good bird fact: To reach bugs and other goodies as they peck away, woodpeckers need extra-long tongues, which wrap around the inside of their skull when retracted. Juveniles in the East are browner overall than juveniles in the West. Female is brown-scaled overall with dull blue shoulder patch, dark eyes and pale edged upper mandible. Leach's Storm-Petrel: This medium-sized petrel has a dark brown body and a white rump and under tail feathers. Flies on stiff wing beats, alternates several rapid wing strokes with long glides. The wings have white shoulder patches and a green speculum visible in flight. Variegated Flycatcher: Medium flycatcher, dark brown-and-black scaled upperparts, brown eye-line on pale face, thin brown moustache stripe, dark-streaked, pale yellow underparts. This crisply striped bundle of black and white feathers creeps along tree trunks and branches like a nimble nuthatch, probing the bark for insects with its slightly downcurved bill. Wings are black-tipped above and black-edged below; tail is deeply forked. Varied Bunting: Medium bunting, mostly purple-blue with red wash on throat, breast, back.

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