All Rights Reserved. It comprises 160 panels and can be downloaded by clicking here and that have also made the rounds of more than 10,000 parishes in the world. Interesting site with articles on the Eucharist and the Real Presence, a catalog of Eucharistic miracles and more. The books is extraordinary in every sense, Fr. At the Marian Shrine of Finca Betania in Cúa, Venezuela, one happened in 1991, and a related Eucharistic miracle happened in 1998. You’ll find no greater defender of the “real” Real Presence anywhere. Login. Defenders of the Catholic Faith | Hosted by Stephen K. Ray. Fascinating field, I was quite interested when I got into it :-), Please do visit this site, may GOD BLESS ALL. I believe there’s a book called “Eucharistic Miracles” written by someone with the last name of Cruz or something like that. He used all his computer knowledge and talents to create a website that traced that history. His book, The Catholic Catechism, is an excellent source on the teachings on the Church with respect to history and in the light of the second Vatican Council. It is a wealth of information — especially as we approach Corpus Christi Sunday. Official website of the CARLO ACUTIS Association and the Cause of Beatification of the Venerable Servant of God Carlo Acutis "To Always be close to Jesus, that's my life plan" "EUCHARISTIC MIRACLES" Exhibition. The current exhibition includes 153 panels that are used to … Learn about the International Exhibition of Eucharistic Miracles created and designed by the Servant of God Carlo Acutis: 5) The Eucharistic Miracle of Santarém – 13th century via A woman living in Santarém, Portugal in the 13th was distressed that her husband was unfaithful to her, and she decided to consult a sorceress for help. Not all Eucharistic miracles happened hundreds of years ago. I believe they also have a show on EWTN! Copyright © 2000–2020 Stephen K. Ray. I knew nothing of this as a Protestant and find it absolutely intriguing now. Interesting site with articles on the Eucharist and the Real Presence, a catalog of Eucharistic miracles and more. YEAR 3 rd - 5 th Century SCETE, Egypt Previous post: “Why do you Catholics believe Mary ascended into heaven?”, Next post: St. Maximilian Kolbe, Touring Old City of Warsaw and History of 1,050 years of Catholic Faith. I am so glad to be a Catholic and to understand the Eucharist and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass! The Eucharistic Miracles of the World If your parish or organization would like to exhibit the Church approved photographic International Exhibition of The Eucharistic Miracles of the World or, if you would like to know more informations, please contact: Associazione Amici di Carlo Acutis Phone: 0039.339.6340122 - - … Others have happened in more recent history, such as the scientifically proven Eucharistic miracles of Buenos Aires in 1992-1996. The best book to read about the Mass is The Incredible Catholics Mass by Fr. “Why do you Catholics believe Mary ascended into heaven?”, St. Maximilian Kolbe, Touring Old City of Warsaw and History of 1,050 years of Catholic Faith. The Catalogue of the Vatican International Exhibition of the Eucharistic Miracles of the World, of which Carlo Acutis first had the idea of producing the exhibition and helped to realize its fulfillment, can be obtained by contacting Eternal Life: 800-842-2871. the Eucharistic Miracle of Lanciano, Italy in the 8th century and the Eucharistic Miracle of Santarem, Portugal in the 13th century). Von Cochem goes over what the mass means and goes through a countless number of miracles happening at mass. Father John Hardon’s work has been absolutely critical in my understanding of orthodox Catholicism. Venerable Carlo Acutis Inspired An Exhibition Of Eucharistic Miracles From Around The World - (Catholic Herald) Official Website of the CARLO ACUTIS Association and the Cause of Beatification of Venerable Carlo Acutis "Jesus is my great friend and the Eucharist my highway to Heaven" - quote by Venerable Carlo Acutis. If your parish or organization would like to exhibit the Church approved photographic Vatican International Exhibition of The Eucharistic Miracles of the World, please contact:. On Christmas Day 2013, at the Church of Saint Hyacinth in Legnica, Poland, a consecrated host fell on the floor. In Feb. 2014, the host was examined by various research institutes including the Department of Forensic Medicine in Szczecin whostated: “In the histopathological image, the fragments were found containing the fragmented pa… Nice! { 5 comments… read them below or add one }. It’s a bold claim, especially considering it still looks, feels, smells and tastes just like bread and wine. Carol J. Seydel Phone: 815-254-4420 By means of the panels, one can “virtually visit” the places where the miracles took place. What follows are some of the Eucharistic Miracles that took place throughout the history of the Catholic Church. There are a couple of good books about Miracles of the Eucharist by Bob and Penny Lord too! In Christianity, a Eucharistic miracle is any miracle involving the Eucharist.In the Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Eastern Orthodox, Methodist, Anglican and Oriental Orthodox Churches, the fact that Christ is really made manifest in the Eucharist is deemed a Eucharistic miracle; however, this is to be distinguished from other manifestations of God. Contact us: Email: … Some notable Eucharistic miracles happened years and years ago (i.e. 5 Incredible Eucharistic Miracles from the last 25 Years As Catholics, we believe that the bread and wine used in the Mass become the body and blood of Christ. LEARN MORE "The more Eucharist we receive, the more we become like JESUS so that on this earth we will have the … With an extensive assortment of photographs and historical descriptions, the exhibition presents some of the principal Eucharistic Miracles that took place throughout the ages in various countries of the world and which have been recognized by the Church. All of these have received the full approval of the Catholic Church. Incredible! It is a wealth of information — especially as we approach Corpus Christi Sunday. Today I learned of Carlo Acutis, Servant of God, a 15 year old boy known as a “computer geek” who cataloged all of the known Eucharistic Miracles before dying of leukemia. Martin Von Cochem written in the late 17th century. Eucharistic Miracles Website. Please click on the links to obtain details about each Eucharistic Miracle. The host was put into a container with water so that it would dissolve. by Steve Ray on August 15, 2016. Instead, it formed red stains. Referring to Eucharistic Miracles, Janet and I have been to Orvieto and Lanciano in Italy. This book is a must have by every Catholic or Eastern Orthodox Christian. At the age of 11, Carlo began to investigate the Eucharistic miracles that have occurred in history. This was shared by Philip Kosloski in his article on Aleteia: “According to the website for his canonization process, “Carlo was gifted at anything related to computers so that his friends, and the adults with computer engineering … This Eucharistic miracle is cited in The History of Saint Clare, Virgin written by Tommaso da Celano, and describes how Saint Clare of Assisi succeeded, ... You can access information about numerous Eucharistic miracles by visiting their website: The Real Presence.

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