They are blaming the creators, but they are doing their job to try to make a living. In either case, the Rule prohibits you from using the children’s online contact information for any other purpose, and requires you to ensure the security of the information, which is particularly important if the contest runs for any length of time. the third-party operator has previously conducted an age-screen of the user, indicating the user is not a child. FERPA provides parents with rights to access their student’s education records, protect against unauthorized disclosures of the personally identifiable information from those records, and other related rights. See 16 C.F.R. In addition, you must use reasonable means, such as periodic monitoring, to confirm that any service providers or third parties with which you share children’s personal information maintain the confidentiality and security of that information. If you are concerned about your children seeing inappropriate materials online, you may want to consider a filtering program or an Internet Service Provider that offers tools to help screen out or restrict access to such material. A child-directed site and a third-party plug-in collecting persistent identifiers from users of that child-directed site can both rely upon the Rule’s “support for internal operations” exception where the only personal information collected from such users are persistent identifiers for purposes outlined in the “support for internal operations” definition. Again, providing the parent a password or a PIN number makes it easier to confirm the parent’s identity if the parent requests access to the child’s personal information. § 312.4(d). These exceptions include: It depends. See 16 C.F.R. Therefore, in these cases, you are not required to give parents the choice to allow you to collect and use their children’s personal information, but not disclose it to third parties. The Commission has separately noted that encompassed within the activities necessary for the site or service to maintain or analyze its functioning are intellectual property protection, payment and delivery functions, spam protection, optimization, statistical reporting, and debugging. See 1999 Statement of Basis and Purpose, 64 Fed. Congress enacted the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) in 1998. COPPA safe harbor applications must contain: The Rule sets forth the key criteria the FTC will consider in reviewing a safe harbor application: Information about applying for FTC approval of a safe harbor program is provided in Section 312.11 of the Rule and online at the COPPA Safe Harbor Program portion of the FTC’s Business Center website. The Rule provides generally that an operator must obtain verifiable parental consent before collecting any personal information from a child, unless the collection fits into one of the Rule’s exceptions described in various FAQs herein. § 312.4(c)(4). You may, however, use a math problem in addition to asking the age of the user, as described in FAQ D.7 above. In addition, you may send questions or comments to the FTC staff’s COPPA mailbox, The petition was started by Jeremy Johnston who, along with his wife Kendra, run the family … Additionally, such an email may give you actual knowledge that you have collected personal information from a child (e.g., if you had previously collected the child’s email address as part of a website registration process). Keep in mind that unlike a general audience website or service, as an operator of a website or online service directed to children, you may not block children from participating in the website or online service. 59888, 59904. a third-party operator only collects a persistent identifier and no other personal information; the user affirmatively interacts with that third-party operator to trigger the collection;and. By signing, you accept Care2's Terms of Service. YouTube was my dream. Note that if you ask participants to enter age information, and then you fail either to screen out children under age 13 or to obtain their parents’ consent to collecting these children’s personal information, you may be liable for violating COPPA. § 312.2 (definition of “Web site or online service directed to children,” paragraph (1)). Because the parents aren't doing their job!This is like saying that one kid in the class is being disruptive and the entire class gets punished for what the one kid has done.FTC is violating the first amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. While large corporations will survive these changes, small business creators face terminating employees, changing their business model, or shutting down production altogether. If you choose to block children under 13 on your general audience site or service, you should take care to design your age screen in a manner that does not encourage children to falsify their ages to gain access to your site or service. Thus, COPPA is not triggered by (1) an adult uploading photos of children on a general audience site, (2) an adult uploading photos of children in the non-child directed portion of an otherwise child-directed website (e.g., a parent’s corner), or (3) an age-screened user (age 13 or older) uploading photos of children on a mixed audience site or service. The Commission recognized this concern in the 2013 Statement of Basis and Purpose, noting that, “just as the Commission has done for COPPA safe harbor applicants, it would permit those entities that voluntarily seek approval of consent mechanisms to seek confidential treatment for those portions of their applications that they believe warrant trade secret protection. You should also determine whether your site or service involves child-oriented activities, such as a dress up game, and whether you have empirical evidence as to the actual users of your video game site. Such information cannot be used or disclosed for any other purpose and the operator must make reasonable efforts, taking into consideration available technology, to provide a parent with appropriate notice; Where the sole purpose of collecting online contact information from a child is to respond directly on a one-time basis to a specific request from the child, and where such information is not used to re-contact the child or for any other purpose, is not disclosed, and is deleted by the operator from its records promptly after responding to the child’s request; Where the purpose of collecting a child’s and a parent’s online contact information is to respond directly more than once to the child’s specific request, such as to receive a monthly newsletter, and where such information is not used for any other purpose, disclosed, or combined with any other information collected from the child. Our Promise: Welcome to Care2, the world’s largest community for good. Once you identify child visitors, you may choose to: Yes. Sign and share this petition to tell the FTC that this is completely unnecessary and will harm creators on YouTube. It does not cover information collected from adults that may pertain to children. The school’s agreement with a third party operator must also be reviewed under the school official exception or other applicable exception under FERPA. See 16 C.F.R. The Rule sets forth several non-exhaustive options, and you can apply to the FTC for pre-approval of a new consent mechanism, as set out in FAQ I.12 below. You must also state the procedures for doing so. How does the operator use this personal information? In the case of social networking sites, chat rooms, message boards, and other similar online services, sharing personal information is a central feature of the site. See FTC’s Verifiable Parental Consent page for information on previous requests. In designing a neutral age-screening mechanism, you should consider: In addition, consistent with long standing Commission advice, FTC staff recommends using a cookie to prevent children from back-buttoning to enter a different age. If, however, such information is inconclusive, you may ordinarily continue to rely on a specific affirmative representation made through a system that meets the criteria above.

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