But one eyewitness was requested, by the local sheriff, to stop telling his tale as it was attracting real danger to the neighborhood – in the form of beer-swilling monster-hunters hoping to fire a shot or two at the creature. Most accounts of Two-Toed Tom describe it as a demon-possessed alligator of immense size – up to twenty-four feet in length. “The noise opened up again, as though Satan and a regiment of imps were coming forth for battle,” wrote a reporter for the Des Moines Daily News after the area’s resident man-shaped bat escaped into a mine shaft. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: https://maven.io/company/pages/privacy. It is usually dragging some form of dead prey behind it. Even more shocking, there were absolutely no footprints from the night before within the iron fence. As for ghost stories, we have lots of those! The woods and marshes that flank the river can be spooky. To provide a better website experience, hubpages.com uses cookies (and other similar technologies) and may collect, process, and share personal data. It’s important to note that several experts in paranormal activity have serious doubts about the Bell Witch story, and some have completely dismissed it as one of the folktales and legends of the South. When the first group of initiates entered the cemetery, Jim and company jumped out to scare them, and when they did, the column fell. The carrot-headed aliens who visited a pair of night-fishermen on the Pascagoula River in a glowing egg-shaped spaceship may just have been symptoms of the witness’s hunger. The ground was soft, and the heavy stone left a deep impression in the ground. It sometimes bumps up against swimmers and occasionally capsizes small boats, perhaps accidentally. I used to live near the Altamaha River and spent time there fishing, boating, water skiing, and searching for Native American artifacts. The body was said to have measured twelve feet, with an estimated weight of over 1,000 pounds. Jeff Warren sent a photo of the creature to the Savannah Morning News with a note: "This isn't a joke.". Copyright © 2020 HubPages Inc. and respective owners.HubPages Inc, a part of Maven Inc. As a user in the EEA, your approval is needed on a few things. The Altamaha is formed at Lumber City, where the Ocmulgee and Oconee rivers join. Both groups were lucky in that they returned from the trip unharmed… and unfortunately without any evidence. So those wondering how a horse-sized, shark-toothed octopus came to live in Lakes Thunderbird, Oolagah, and Tenkiller – all of which are human-made and thus can’t fall back on historic legend to excuse their mutant population – should be reassured that the Okie Octopussy probably crash-landed there in its spaceship. The truth may very well be in here! We partner with Say Media to deliver ad campaigns on our sites. It walked like a man, but was covered in white fur, and had a pig’s face. Swimming like a dolphin, but with the snout of a crocodile and big bug eyes, the existence of this stream-dweller has been recognized by native Americans for centuries. Here is a list of mythical creature by state: Alabama – White Thang; Alaska – Tizheruk; Arizona – Mogollon Monster; Arkansas – Fouke Monster; California – Tahoe Tessie; Colorado – Slide-Rock Bolter; Connecticut – … Whatever happened to Sam; years after his disappearance, some high school students reported a monster emerging from the woods. Legend has it that the serpent-like monster lived in a cave beneath the lake. That same night, the monster attacked the men as they slept. Political Parties, Interest Groups & Movements, Civil Rights & Modern Georgia, Since 1945, Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA), Christian Methodist Episcopal Church (CME Church), Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library. The entity hated the father but seemed to have a special interest in the youngest daughter, Betsy. Like I said, skunk apes are like Bigfoot creatures, but they’re smellier. Witnesses who got a good look at Shunka Warak’in described it as being nearly black, with high shoulders and a back that sloped downward much like a hyena. His fur was coarse and gray. ; Aloadae, a group of giants who capture the god Ares. Voted up. After the Civil War more blacks were drawn to the interior of southeast Georgia by jobs in farming, turpentining, logging, and the.

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