Sixteen’s digital root is 7. Now we know these trees were GIANT by particular passages in the Bible. It’s kind of like THEIR version of the TREE behind Pence. After about half an hour spent surveying this place, the clouds began to thicken, and to fly along upon the ground; which so obscur'd the road, that my guide was very much at a loss to find our way back again. Usurped by the Luciferians, making Christ Lucifer in the Tarot. Allen. The cedars of Lebanon were a gift from God and a source of wealth for Lebanon, the cities of Tyre and Sidon especially benefitting from their export (1 Chronicles 17:1, 6; 22:4). All early modern travelers' accounts of the wild cedars appear to refer to the ones in Bsharri; the Christian monks of the monasteries in the Kadisha Valley venerated the trees for centuries. Look here on their map, in the upper circle. CRYPTOcurrencies says it all. Temp or TIME. Now you will say THAT’S not a Cedar! The closest thing people relate it too are the Tibetan singing bowls. So if the Israeli flag is a Masonic flag and the Mason’s worship Lucifer, what does that tell us about Israel? Here on the wiki for Cerro Autana we read, “For the Piaroa Indians, the original inhabitants of the area, Autana is a sacred mountain (Wahari-Kuawai in the Piaroan language). That is the whole goal of the Great Work, to usurp God and become gods in their own right. Red is on TOP violet is on bottom. guardians to prevent the ravages of the goats It peaks at 3,083 meters (9842 feet) above sea level. The coloration is also similar to a tree trunk and can be distinguished from the plain below. Here’s how it would work. Very interesting indeed Stanley! So let’s look at this picture in the RED Masonic Book, written by Antoine Awseh, pronounced “owseh”, an Arabic surname, that Shadie got to look at. 2 Peter 3:9 KJV - 1 Corinthians 15:1-4 KJV - Ephesians 1:10-14 KJV - Romans 10:9-10 KJV - Romans 10:13 - Romans 10:17, Ancient Tree Research Project | Giant Cedars of Lebanon. Notice how clear, clean and blue the sky is from here! Fukhkhar, about three hundred trees, some of The Stars are for s, While your parents DNA play the physical role to a certain extent, j. ust like baking a cake, adding ingredients actually comes from the stars above. At about five or six yards from the ground, it was divided into five limbs, each of which was equal to a great tree. Whats really cool about Cerro Autana is that the native people here, the Pioroa have a rich oral tradition for their mythology and that includes Cerro Autana as once being the tree of life. They are even called “the trees of the Lord” that “He planted.”. RED is the color representing Christ. And here, from his son, straight from the horse’s mouth, “Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East… The biblical prophecies are being fulfilled… This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase his people’s enemies before a New Age begins.”. The stars and their corresponding elements are found on the Periodic Chart. I also went about this place to look for young ones, but could find none at all". All audio and music belongs to the owner/creator. Study to Shew Thyself Approved Unto God. The Cedars of God (Arabic: أرز الربّ‎ Arz ar-Rabb "Cedars of the Lord"), located in the Kadisha Valley of Bsharri, Lebanon, are one of the last vestiges of the extensive forests of the Lebanon cedar that anciently thrived across Mount Lebanon. 24 By what way is the light parted, which scattereth the east wind upon the earth?”, Ancient Tree Research Project ~ Giant Cedars of Lebanon (Part 2). CUT trees represent the Giant trees that THEY cut. Now, let’s locate Lebanon geographically so we get a feel for the land. Just like El Arez looks like this base and is AMONG THE CLOUDS. That the world really IS run by psychopaths who follow Lucifer; but there is a good side to this knowing too. The men of Lebanon take after the trees. to the sacred Notice 16 stars on the right, 16 stars on the left. Thank you for sharing. The RED CROSS as we see on ambulances and such are because TIME is of the essence in a hospital or ambulance. That is probably why these vile creatures are pushed into the news every day as a symbol for the KK. The resurrected bride become the stones of the heavenly sanctuary which scriptually are likened to BOTH palm AND cedar trees. The Temple of Solomon, re-built and consecrated to the Catholic worship would become, in effect, the Metropolis of the Universe; the East would prevail over the West, and the Patriarchs of Constantinople would possess themselves of the Papal power.”. The local Muslims also believed that it was beyond the capability of humans to move the enormous stones of Baalbek. It is the national emblem of Lebanon and is widely used as an ornamental tree in parks and gardens. And it will be against all the cedars of Lebanon that are lofty and lifted up, Against all the oaks of Bashan, Ezekiel 17:22-23.

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