You want to ensure your employees are as comfortable as possible in order to prevent RSI injuries. Your lawyer will protect you against aggressive and bullying behavior, investigate your injury and help you present your case successfully. Workplace injuries are often associated with a single, life-altering incident, such as an engine explosion that injures a mechanic, or a slip of a kitchen knife that severs a chef’s finger. You need the help of a qualified Massachusetts workers’ compensation lawyer. Some of the common conditions caused by this type of computer use are carpal tunnel syndrome (pinching of nerves caused by swelling of tissues in the wrist), bursitis (swelling of cushions between bones), and tendonitis (tears in tissue connecting muscles and bones). The procedure for filing a workers’ comp claim is the same as any other injury. This then causes the neck flexors to become tight, and the neck extensors weak. If you’re suffering from a repetitive strain injury, our legal team can help. In the United States repetitive motion injuries are one of the leading injuries named in workers compensation claims. For workers who don’t work in an office, many of the same recommendations apply. This provides individuals with a percentage of their weekly wages – typically about two-thirds of their average weekly wage – while they are away from work. Insurance companies often fight aggressively against repetitive stress claims, looking for evidence the injury wasn’t caused by repeat work tasks. Many people who have desk jobs can end up with sore necks from a forward head posture. At Ohio Healthcare Partners, we are Ohio BWC Certified to provide work injury care. Submit claims, check status of disability or leave, and see payments. The Massachusetts Workers’ Compensation Act provides employees with benefits for any injury sustained while on the job. Home insurance discounts designed for AARP members. To avoid a situation like this, consider a workers’ compensation policy from The Hartford. 5 Things You Should Know About Chronic Pain. This article provides general information, and should not be construed as specific legal, HR, financial, insurance, tax or accounting advice. Having to pay out-of-pocket for a worker’s injury can be devastating for businesses, especially small businesses. Or, if you frequently use of a computer mouse or a touch screen, this can cause similar impacts on your body. Keep in mind that you, as the employer, do have the right to contest a repetitive injury claim just like any other claim that arises for your business. Having a workers’ compensation policy not only protects your employees from work related injuries. A Massachusetts workers’ compensation lawyer can help you fight for the benefits you rightfully deserve. However, it’s essential to have a solid workers’ compensation policy for claims that may arise. The Hartford shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, consequential, incidental, punitive or exemplary damages in connection with the use by you or anyone of the information provided herein. Learn more. Most are often associated with carpal tunnel syndrome, repetitive motion injuries can also include bursitis and tendinitis. Call us today to discuss your work-related injury! The purpose of this website is to promote broad consumer understanding and knowledge of various health topics. Also, the more comfortable your employees are, the more productive they’ll be. The good news is that there are simple steps that can minimize the risk to workers, especially when it comes to computer use. Learn about your legal rights if you have suffered a repetitive stress injury on the job. This can keep your overall cost of insurance down as an employer. Even a relatively light hand hammer, when used by a roofer on hundreds of nails each day, can overwork muscles over time and result in an RSI. The worker may not notice any symptoms, and it may be too late by the time he or she thinks to take time off or seek medical treatment. Whatever the case, it’s important for employees to pay attention to the warning signs of an RSI so that it can be caught early on. And unfortunately, the legal process is complex and overwhelming. During this training you want to emphasize that poor posture and positioning during the day can cause inflammation in their body. Manage my business policy, bills and claims, get certificates and submit audits. However, it isn’t just computer workers who are at risk of developing an RSI. Repetitive Motion Injuries. In addition to corrected workstations, you should adjust your work habits to include stretching exercises, taking appropriate breaks, and typing with a light touch. Repetitive stress injuries are caused by repeat and excessive movements, postures and motions that cause musculoskeletal strain and injury. Many physical jobs, such as those in construction or manufacturing, frequently require repeated lifting, reaching, or use of heavy tools. Are you suffering from a repetitive stress injury sustained in the workplace? Auto insurance discounts designed for AARP members. Disclaimer | Site Map | Privacy Policy | Business Development Solutions by FindLaw, part of Thomson Reuters, Workers’ Compensation Hearings And Appeals. Bursitis is inflammation of the cushions protecting your joints. It's also known as work-related upper limb disorder, or non-specific upper limb pain. Warning signs can include a dull or achy pain in the limbs, tingling or numbness in the fingers or arms, weakness or a loss of coordination, or fatigue. As soon as your employee notices pain, they should report it to you, as their employer, and their doctor. In Massachusetts, repetitive stress cases are often complex, and employers and their insurers fight aggressively to deny individuals’ claims. In fact, if you are a worker in the United States, you have a one in eight chance of developing an RSI during your lifetime. When people are typing, they tilt their head forward. Maintaining correct posture can also go a long way to preventing injury. Checkout counters are rarely adjusted to each worker’s height and other specifications, which can contribute to the problem. Or, if you frequently use. Other occupations with a high potential for RSIs, assembly line workers, butchers (including meat packing), drivers (including delivery services and passenger transport), stocking shelves (wholesale or retail), musicians, and mechanics. These workers often scan hundreds (or thousands) of items per shift, which need to be quickly lifted, turned, and pulled so that bar codes can easily be scanned. This occurs because the more claims you file, the higher your premium will likely be. Regardless of what issues arise, it’s important to explain the importance of ergonomic changes to your employees.

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