2013 Oct;23(10):1219-25  “L-acetylcarnitine in dysthymic disorder in elderly patients: a double-blind, multicenter, controlled randomized study vs. fluoxetine.”  Bersani G, Meco G, Denaro A, Liberati D, Colletti C, Nicolai R, Bersani FS, Koverech A. Neurochem Int. 2013 Aug; 16. 2011 Dec;21(12):841-60. Informa Markets, a trading division of Informa PLC. 2012 Dec 6. A Finnish population-based study.”  Seppälä J, Koponen H, Kautiainen H, Eriksson JG, Kampman O, Männistö S, Mäntyselkä P, Oksa H, Ovaskainen Y, Viikki M, Vanhala M. J Midwifery Womens Health. “Early alcohol exposure disrupts visual cortex plasticity in mice.”  Lantz CL, Wang W, Medina AE. “Antidepressant-like effect of artemin in mice: a mechanism for acetyl-L-carnitine activity on depression.”  Di Cesare Mannelli L, Vivoli E, Salvicchi A, Schiavone N, Koverech A, Messano M, Nicolai R, Benatti P, Bartolini A, Ghelardini C. 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The owner receives payment whenever a visitor makes a purchase from site and / or may receive a referral payment when a visitor clicks on an external link from this site and makes a referral purchase from a destination site. Psychosom Med. Informa PLC's registered office is 5 Howick Place, London SW1P 1WG. 2013;68(4):193-6. that have been forwarded to us by users of Zen Mood, and may not reflect the typical Sebastian Aguiar and Thomas Borowski. Phytomedicine. “Duration of response after treatment of mild to moderate depression with Hypericum extract STW 3-VI, citalopram and placebo: a reanalysis of data from a controlled clinical trial.”  Singer A, Schmidt M, Hauke W, Stade K. Mol Psychiatry. “Phosphodiesterase type 1 inhibition improves learning in rats exposed to alcohol during the third trimester equivalent of human gestation.”  Filgueiras CC, Krahe TE, Medina AE. For example, after the claim, "I melted off 20 pounds in two weeks," the vague "Results may vary" in fine print is not a sufficient disclaimer. DISCLAIMER: GHA (Get Healthy Again, GHA Naturals) products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. J Inherit Metab Dis. “Immune changes and neurotransmitters: Possible interactions in depression?”  Sperner-Unterweger B, Kohl C, Fuchs D. Brain Behav Immun. “Hypericum perforatum: Pharmacokinetic, Mechanism of Action, Tolerability, and Clinical Drug-Drug Interactions.”  Russo E, Scicchitano F, Whalley BJ, Mazzitello C, Ciriaco M, Esposito S, Patanè M, Upton R, Pugliese M, Chimirri S, Mammì M, Palleria C, De Sarro G. Encephale. FTC Legal Disclaimer: Results may vary, and 2013 Jun 28. pii: S0013-7006(13)00061-4. FTC & Testimonial Disclaimer. “Serum folate and homocysteine and depressive symptoms among Japanese men and women.”  Nanri A, Mizoue T, Matsushita Y, Sasaki S, Ohta M, Sato M, Mishima N. Arch Latinoam Nutr. The information you get in our emails, programs, services, website, and products does not take the place of professional medical advice. 2007 Oct;26(5):545-51. 2013 Apr;17(8):1082-9. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2013 Aug 13;3:e291. “Carnitine derivatives: clinical usefulness.”  Malaguarnera M. Psychopharmacology (Berl). However, these results “31P-MRS study of acetyl-L-carnitine treatment in geriatric depression: preliminary results.”  Pettegrew JW, Levine J, Gershon S, Stanley JA, Servan-Schreiber D, Panchalingam K, McClure RJ. (According to the FTC, "The plural of anecdote is not data.") “Serotonin-kynurenine hypothesis of depression: historical overview and recent developments.”  Oxenkrug G. Life Sci. If we have disclosed typical results based on “Cerebral effects of a single dose of intravenous vinpocetine in chronic stroke patients: a PET study.”  Szakáll S, Boros I, Balkay L, Emri M, Fekete I, Kerényi L, Lehel S, Márián T, Molnár T, Varga J, Galuska L, Trón L, Bereczki D, Csiba L, Gulyás B. J Pharmacol Exp Ther. Referred services and information presented on this site is for personal educational use only. 2013 Feb 27;92(3):183-6. in the field, especially if: a) Dr. 2010 Aug;92(2):330-5. Many TV stations have their own guidelines that closely parallel FTC regulations—and sometimes surpass them. However, individual results may vary. All testimonials are real, and the users pictured or described stopped their anxiety, worry, insomnia, panic and/or stress by using Zen Life Supplements, LLC’s Zen Anxiety. first. make an informed decision when trying Zen Mood. 2006 Mar;109(3):325-38. Unless the disclaimer is directly adjacent to the s/f statement, it must be in a box. 2012 Aug;30(5):351-7. “Effects of a standardized Bacopa monnieri extract on cognitive performance, anxiety, and depression in the elderly: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial.”  Calabrese C, Gregory WL, Leo M, Kraemer D, Bone K, Oken B. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2013 Feb 18;5(2):565-78. If only preliminary animal studies have been performed then, "Animal studies indicate that …" is an accurate qualifier to preface a claim of efficacy. 2008 Nov;18(11):803-13. Sci Rep. 2012;2:667. “Medical Attributes of St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum).”  Klemow KM, Bartlow A, Crawford J, Kocher N, Shah J, Ritsick M.  In: Benzie IFF, Wachtel-Galor S, editors. This product is not intended due diligence and not take such results at face value. The information included on this website is meant for expressly educational purposes only. A comparison with standard antidepressants in animal models of depression.”  Bukhari IA, Dar. “Correlation of folate, vitamin B12 and homocysteine plasma levels with depression in an elderly Greek population.”  Dimopoulos N, Piperi C, Salonicioti A, Psarra V, Gazi F, Papadimitriou A, Lea RW, Kalofoutis A. Curr Drug Targets. 2009 Apr;16(4):277-83. “A double-blind, randomised, controlled clinical trial of acetyl-L-carnitine vs. amisulpride in the treatment of dysthymia.”  Zanardi R, Smeraldi E. Bipolar Disord. 2012 Mar;101(1):148-54. 2013;9:639-58. 2012 Nov;343(2):479-88. 1998 Oct;8(4):197-204. Marty Hinz, Alvin Stein, and Thomas Uncini, MedGenMed. 2013 Nov;17 Suppl 1:1-7. zenlifesupplements.com and/or from Zen Life Flimsy is a doctor in the sense that she has a Ph.D. ... in Art History, or c) if Dr. You should not Susan Brienza practices in the area of regulatory compliance, specifically FDA (including DSHEA) and FTC law. However, for all consumer products (and especially those claiming health benefits), federal regulations require that dangers and safety risks be disclosed. any dietary supplement. Thus, sometimes the promotional claim itself includes or starts with clear qualifiers to show the limits of the available evidence, for instance, with traditional use support: "Although not clinically studied, the ____ plant has been used for centuries by Native Americans to promote energy and mental clarity.". depression, anxiety, panic attacks, or any other disease. Her e-mail address is sbrienza@pattonboggs.com. 2014 Jan;76 Pt B:351-9. Am J Psychiatry. Consumer testimonials. “Behavioral profile of Hypericum perforatum (St. John's Wort) extract. 2013;20(8):1028-37. 2012 Jan-Feb;57(1):43-8. “Folic acid prevents depressive-like behavior and hippocampal antioxidant imbalance induced by restraint stress in mice.”  Budni J, Zomkowski AD, Engel D, Santos DB, dos Santos AA, Moretti M, Valvassori SS, Ornell F, Quevedo J, Farina M, Rodrigues AL. “Long-term effects of St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) treatment: a 1-year safety study in mild to moderate depression.”  Brattström A. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry. Birth Defects Res A Clin Mol Teratol. “Association between folate intake and melancholic depressive symptoms. "The Therapeutic Potential of Melatonin: A Review of the Science". As such you should know that the owner has a monetary connection to the product and services advertised on the site. 2011 Jun;46(6):750-9. While a disclaimer may often be required to prevent a claim from being false or deceptive, there are some claims that cannot be legally "cured," even with a clear disclaimer. 2009 Feb 1;33(1):118-27. “Cerebrospinal fluid metabolome in mood disorders-remission state has a unique metabolic profile.”  Kaddurah-Daouk R, Yuan P, Boyle SH, Matson W, Wang Z, Zeng ZB, Zhu H, Dougherty GG, Yao JK, Chen G, Guitart X, Carlson PJ, Neumeister A, Zarate C, Krishnan RR, Manji HK, Drevets W. Arch Med Res. The significance of folic acid and homocysteine.”  Karakuła H, Opolska A, Kowal A, Domański M, Płotka A, Perzyński J. J Hum Nutr Diet. 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Do I need a disclaimer with each testimonial, and what other kinds of disclosures are required in an ad? “Hyperhomocysteinemia in bipolar depression: clinical and biochemical correlates.”  Permoda-Osip A, Dorszewska J, Skibinska M, Chlopocka-Wozniak M, Rybakowski JK. “A hypericum extract in the treatment of depressive symptoms in outpatients: an open study.”  Melzer J, Brignoli R, Keck ME, Saller R. J Psychiatr Res. “Red blood cell folate levels in pregnant women with a history of mood disorders: a case series.”  Yaremco E, Inglis A, Innis SM, Hippman C, Carrion P, Lamers Y, Honer WG, Austin J. Nutrients. provide an accurate results history. What's the Deal?" 2013 Jun;97(6):416-20. are meant as a showcase of what the ideal customers to cure, prevent, diagnose, lessen, or mitigate any Individual results will vary and are not guaranteed. 2013 Feb;6(1):29-34. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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