What is unique and new is the expansion of our family services, including a focus on strengthening the healthy attachment of moms and their children while providing greater opportunities to enhance parenting skills. as a means to facilitate stability. Fax: (204) 586-1101. ​. (204) 784-4208. Willow Place (formerly Osborne House) empowers women and their children who are experiencing domestic abuse by providing them with a safe and supportive environment and through residential and non-residential programs and services. S.H.A.D.E. Bravestone Centre provides safe and healthy second-stage housing, counselling, and support programs that promote physical and emotional healing and personal growth for women and their children who have left abusive relationships. Phone: (204) 261-3561. Ethics: We believe that it is important for us to work within established ethical practices while being transparent and accountable. Phone: (204) 989-8240 Intake: 998-8244 or 989-8251. All Evolve services are available to men, women, people in same sex or opposite sex relationships, and transgender persons. FGWRC also has an Outreach Program which includes various drop-in times, individual and group counseling, clothing exchanges, and workshops. Immigrant Women's Counselling Services (Nor West Health). Our vision is a safe, healthy, vibrant community for women and families in which all forms of violence against women are addressed by engaging the community in prevention and remediation strategies. Outreach workers connect women with resources: education, addictions treatment, welfare, housing, child and family support and harm reduction information. Box 202 L’Entre-temps is a domestic abuse recovery program that assists women in regaining their independence. Main office: 1150-A Waverley Street. Being brave doesn’t necessarily mean you’re not scared. Email. 104-3100 Pembina Highway. Phone: (204) 786-574. All services are free and confidential. We are currently working to secure a safe location for SHADE - a place where we can provide the second stage housing and programming model we envision. 105 Aikins Street. Phone: (204) Copyright © 2018 – Winnipeg Rental Network. Only woman who have been residing in our long term supportive living program can apply within to transition into our 2nd stage housing. 570, rue des Meurons. While programs are mainly focussed on the needs of neighbourhood women services also are offered to men and children. Other programs are offered at the Centre as the community sees the need for them. Email. Potential tenants are selected from NEWC clients and women referred by agencies in the Selkirk Avenue area. Read more >, Imagine Canada Sage House is a Street Womens Health, Outreach and Resource Service which provides a wide variety of services to women and transgenders living as women. Winnipeg, MB R3V 1L6, Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm Women and their children heal from the impact of domestic violence. Located at 221 Austin Street North at the corner of Euclid Avenue. The Centre operates a drop-in six days a week in North Point Douglas, providing information, services and advocacy.

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