After they leave, they will follow the same path for fall migration as they used for spring migration, and researchers think that adult osprey use landmarks to help them find their way. Yes, they’ll eat both crabapples and mountain ash if they can get them. Bluebirds do very well in suburban areas, and suburban sprawl is a never-ending problem that continuously threatens our biodiversity. Have never seen in Feb. before. Many robins, though, will try to over-winter if they can find enough fruit sources to feed themselves. Way cool! With luck, spring will arrive early this year and all these brave robins that stayed will get an early start on raising their chicks. They locate within one vibernum patch to another but like to land intermittently on an alder. 2016 – I sighted a single robin on our woodland property in Manotick (Ottawa) ON. Birds that breed from Canada to the north slope of Alaska leave in fall for the U.S. Peterborough, On. One factor I think plays a big factor in their ability to stay in the winter is increased food availability. Just got back from Dundas conservation area, Ancaster/ Hamilton, to many robins to count sunning themselves and enjoying the fruit in the old orchard part of the trail. A large number manage to over-winter in southern Ontario each year if they can get at some fruit. How wonderful to get to share their lives and learn their habits. I've enjoyed photographing birds for a few years now and I've purchased a number of Bird Guides to help in identifying them. So nice to see them but after a 10″ snowfall the day before there wasn’t much food for them. They are pretty hardy birds so if there is still some fruit on the trees and bushes around you, they should be able to weather a few short cold snaps. It is the state bird of Connecticut, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Robins switch their diet to fruit in winter, but there is not enough fruit in the north to feed all the robins that live in the north all summer. Hope…. Their cheerful colouring and ambitious if unmusical songs brighten many a gloomy April morning. Whether they stayed the winter or not, the sight of robins busily hunting in the lawns, or running rapidly ahead of us, never realizing if they ran to the side they’d be safe and could stop running, is welcome. There was one patch of exposed soft mud and 3 robins busily checking it out before moving on to a crabapple tree. What can I put out for him to help him survive the winter? The chicks will stay in their overwintering site for a summer season and will return the following year, about a year and a half after they left their fledging site. In fact, there are probably several thousand robins that over-winter in the Toronto area. I live in an apt and it backs onto a small bush of suemack trees and the robin love the berries on the trees. Feb 02/14 I saw a Robin this morning while cleaning my drive in Lindsay On. Occasionally, a flock of robins will arrive intending to strip his tree of fruit. Thanks for sharing your sighting! Resident or short-distance migrant. I don’t know if there is a perfect explanation for this, but I think it is a result of many factors.

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