He explains the feelings he experienced as he ate the pears and threw the rest away to the pigs. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. The tone I take now, you see, doesn’t show the way I felt when first turning to these writings, which seemed not even worthy comparing to the excellence of Cicero. If a Russian girl calls herself a thawing pike (тающая щука), what could it mean? (I refer to the numbered "rows" from the graphic immediately above.) I've appended some purely personal impressions of the "readability" of the translation; lower down there are some remarks on this passage itself. They clouded over and darkened my soul, so that I could not distinguish the calm light of chaste love from the fog of lust.”, Boulding (1998): “From the mud of my fleshly desires and my erupting puberty belched out murky clouds that obscured and darkened my heart until I could not distinguish the calm light of love from the fog of lust.”, Ruden (2017): “Mine were the putrid fumes rising from scummy bodily lusts and the diseased eruption of puberty, befouling and befuddling my heart with their smoke, so that there was no telling the unclouded sky of affection from the thick murk of carnality.”. Humans are at war with God—in slavery to sin—and only through grace does the Master win: “Mine was a form of sin harder to heal in that I didn’t consider myself to be the sinner; and it was a damnable wickedness that I preferred for you, the all-powerful God, to be defeated within me, for my own destruction, than for me to be defeated by you for my salvation.” (125). can contain you, because you contain everything and fill everything? . E.B. Here’s a brief bit from Augustine’s Confessions (2.2.2), as translated into English over the years. [1] The work outlines Saint Augustine's sinful youth and his conversion to Christianity. That said, I don't know the qualifications of some of the later translators mentioned, but I definitely feel the pain of reading Pusey. Confessions thus constitutes an appeal to encourage conversion. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. I hope you'll find that you will want to go back again and again. Is it unprofessional to reply in another language to an email written in English? 5(9). Outler shares some of Sheed's language, but in with a better cadence (IMO): something lowly in the hearing, Someone needs to redo the Libravox one with something newer while they are at it. Amidst a crisis of faith and doubt, Augustine read the writings of Neo-Platonic philosophers and listened to the preaching of Bishop Ambrose of Milan. Sheed seems to be a very close second (and superior in other regards). I leave you with this—my favorite section of this book: “I took too long to fall in love with you, beauty so ancient and so new. Any advice on the “best” translation? Resigning from imperial service, the 32 year old Augustine began an intensive study of scripture. I have read both translations mentioned at the time of this posting (Sheed & Sr. Boulding) as well as reading the original Latin (and it is worth learning Latin just to read Augustine), all three are great. The truthfulness of the message itself is granted by God who inspired it to the extensor and who made possible the transmission and spread of the content across centuries and among believers. He does not stay in Rome for long because his teaching is requested in Milan, where he encounters the bishop Ambrose (. This is reflected in the structure of the work. Best "Confessions" translation? UPDATE (13.10.2017) A new translation of the Confessions has appeared since this "answer" was posted, that by Sarah Ruden. Augustine immersed himself in Scripture until it poured out of him in his prose. But O’Rourke has chosen instead to look forwards, as Augustine the author did, when he sighted the audience whose souls he thought this book might save. For example, in the second chapter of Book IX Augustine references his choice to wait three weeks until the autumn break to leave his position of teaching without causing a disruption. He moves to teach in Rome where the education system is more disciplined. He concludes the text by exploring an allegorical interpretation of Genesis, through which he discovers the, E.B. Absent the original golden plates, which translation of the Book of Mormon is considered to be the “official” version? It can be a long and dense read, and so what's most important is that you do read it. The interpretation must stay "within the truth" (XII.25) and not outside it. perhaps you have no need to be contained by anything, but rather What of Augustine's ecclesiology was rejected in the Reformation? containing them. (N.b. The Latin has a poetic quality: sed incessu humilem, successu excelsam It has more punch. At Word on Fire, we’ve published a beautiful hardcover edition of the Sheed translation as part of our Word on Fire Classics line of books. Witty jabs aside, I completely agree with Kreeft. Confessions traces Augustine’s journey from pride to humility, and so we watch him renounce his boasting of rhetorical skill in a way that is rhetorically powerful! The most widely used translation of the Confessions is the one by a Mr. Pine-Coffin, and it is worthy of his name. Do heaven and earth contain you, then, since you fill them? "[13] Because Augustine begins each book with a prayer, Albert C. Outler, a Professor of Theology at Southern Methodist University, argues that Confessions is a "pilgrimage of grace [...] [a] retrac[ing] [of] the crucial turnings of the way by which [Augustine] had come. It is a dead translation. “I haven’t expressed how much more stress she suffered giving birth to me in the Spirit than she had in the flesh,” he writes, describing her patience and persistence in prayer for his soul. Elizabeth Scalia raved about the book and the blogger Fr. He said, "If you're wondering about what translation to go with, I have used Henry Chadwick's the most often (Oxford World Classics), and I enjoy it, but it's not the most accurate. forth the remainder of Thyself? And I don’t think he gets so drunk that he forgets about me—since you, Master, who he’s guzzling, remember us.” (244). If you picked 2 or 3 of those 11 to recommend which would they be? I was swollen with pride These include his Confessions, Teaching Christianity, The City of God, The Trinity, Expositions of the Psalms—to name just a few of his many books. The striking language Augustine employs to describe his adolescent lusts make the passage especially illuminating in comparing translation approaches: Pilkington: “Out of the dark concupiscence of the flesh and the effervescence of youth exhalations came forth which obscured and overcast my heart, so that I was unable to discern pure affection from unholy desire.”, Outler: “Instead, the mists of passion steamed up out of the puddly concupiscence of the flesh, and the hot imagination of puberty, and they so obscured and overcast my heart that I was unable to distinguish pure affection from unholy desire.”, Chadwick: “Clouds of muddy carnal concupiscence filled the air. Should I dig a separate trench for CAT5e wire to shed? The fact that Sheed breaks up some of the endless string of questions seems like a really great idea to me. I spent my lunch hour comparing passages from Sheed, Chadwick, and Boulding. The Gospel Coalition supports the church by providing resources that are trusted and timely, winsome and wise, and centered on the gospel of Jesus Christ. I found that I was deeply moved by his faithfulness to Augustine’s words. The nineteenth-century Pusey translation remains a careful and vigorous text; yet its language is heavily archaic to the late twentieth-century ear. which is not yet nearly so elegant as Boulding's: Scripture is a reality that grows along with little children, (= Boulding). I was ravished into your presence by your beauty, yet soon torn away from you by the weight of myself, and I smashed down with a groan into those lower things I’ve been writing of.” (194). Dialog between Jesus and Peter in John 21: what's going on? @Dɑvïd Could you summarize that in the end of your answer? The sermons of Saint Ambrose draw Augustine closer to Catholicism, which he begins to favor over other philosophical options. I'm looking for readability (out-loud or otherwise) here, not necessarily technical accuracy. Written after the legalization of Christianity, Confessions dated from an era where martyrdom was no longer a threat to most Christians as was the case two centuries earlier. Augustine was surely larger than life--and this translation matches it. You called and shouted and shattered my deafness. I think the work is an invitation to listen in on the saintly dialogue of God and Augustine. Saint Ambrose baptizes Augustine along with Adeodatus and Alypius. Augustine’s Confessions provide significant insight into the first thirty-three years of his life. And whither, when the heaven and the earth are filled, pourest Thou Starting with his infancy, Saint Augustine reflects on his personal childhood in order to draw universal conclusions about the nature of infancy: the child is inherently violent if left to its own devices because of. Confessions is the story of one man’s love affair with God. Catholic Christianity offers the world the fullness of the Christian Faith. fill them, and is there something of you left over because they are 1) St. Augustine 4.7 out of 5 stars 292 Spend a few weeks working slowly through the text. “The just person delights in God’s self, and God himself is the delight of those with righteous hearts.” (43). UKcatholicGuy July 29, 2005, 5:30am #1. Between the ages of 19 and 28, Augustine forms a relationship with an unnamed woman who, though faithful, is not his lawfully wedded wife, with whom he has a son, Adeodatus. My reading of this classic was long overdue. My mind failed to grasp their depth. I asked a friend of mine who teaches classics at a college where all freshman are required to read Confessions. of the proud, Does the Catholic Church say which is the correct rendering in english of The Glory Be (The Doxology)? He was baptized by Ambrose at the Easter Vigil in April of 387. All of these options are "readable", but they construe the contrast Augustine is drawing here in different ways. The Bourke translation is a clear, literal rendering. It does make for a very readable version: all the more pity he decided to omit books X-XIII, then. But you’ll also encounter one of the greatest minds in Christian history and be challenged by his passionate desire to know and love the One who loves. something of you left over when you have filled them? [18] In the introduction to the 1961 translation by R.S. Augustine is unimpressed with the substance of Manichaeism, but he has not yet found something to replace it.

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