That's my opinion and I don't have anything else to say. Contemporary arguments for and against capital punishment fall under three general headings: moral, utilitarian, and practical. . — The death penalty for certain crimes? Particularly heinous crimes should instead lead to life imprisonment without parole and mean exactly that — imprisonment until death .Leigh U. Smith, Burnaby, B.C. What I strongly feel should be considered is making the life sentence of 25 years a true life sentence for certain crimes that are so horrendous as to turn ones stomach just reading about them. “He [the government] is God’s servant to do you good.” But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. Families of victims never feel satisfied with a prison sentence for the barbaric criminal who took away their loved one. 365 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3L4. Military prisoners sentenced to death under Canadian Military Law were shot by a firing squad[citation needed]. This principle, if applied, makes citizens feel protected because legal retribution conveys a sense of fairness since the State values their lives.Luis J. Gómez, Montreal. Canada’s “pro-life” policy on extraditing foreign murderers who flee here often obstructs justice. — Paul Bernardo, Cody Legebokoff, Robert Pick­ton and Russell Williams are all living very well at our expense in our penal system. Why should a murderer be allowed to live out the rest of their lives in relative comfort, paid for by the public? These defective examples of humanity should be locked up securely for as long as possible.Norbert Kaysser, Port Coquitlam, B.C. The only way that capital punishment should be used is if there is indisputable evidence, Such as a video, Or if the perpetrator has admitted to the crime with no pressure put on him for a confession. A majority of respondents said “yes.” Here are some of the letters (limited to 75 words or less) we received. Those who perpetrate horrendous crimes against the innocent, thus robbing them of their lives, should pay with their own. It also seems that the percentage of released murderers that re-commit murder is relatively low, Under 5% and probably lower. For these reasons, the death penalty has actually been called “the enemy of law enforcement” (Morgenthau, 1995). 0. John Radclive was Canada's first professional executioner, placed on the federal payroll as a hangman by a Dominion order-in-council in 1892, on the recommendation of the justice minister Sir John Thompson:[23] Radclive is often described as having trained under British hangman William Marwood although there is no documentary proof for this. This also should act as the last and final deterrent to prevent the very crimes for which the death penalty is needed. On November 30, 1967, Bill C-168 was passed creating a five-year moratorium on the use of the death penalty, except for murders of police and corrections officers. Reasons for their wrongful convictions include mistaken eyewitness testimony, the false testimony of informants and “incentivized witnesses,” incompetent lawyers, defective or fraudulent scientific evidence, prosecutorial and police misconduct, and false confessions. A gallows of this type was used for the execution of Robert Neil at Toronto's Don Jail on February 29, 1888: The old plan of a "drop" was discarded for a more merciful machine, by which the prisoner is jerked up from a platform on the ground level by a weight of 280 lbs, which is suspended by an independent rope pending the execution … At the words "Forgive us our trespasses," the executioner drove his chisel against the light rope that held the ponderous iron at the other end of the noose, and in an instant the heavy weight fell with a thud, and the pinioned body was jerked into the air and hung dangling between the rough posts of the scaffold.[30]. Ross Thatcher, at that time a Cooperative Commonwealth Federation Member of Parliament, moved Bill No. Those who argue that this penalty will not deter a murderer are quite correct, in fact no punishment will act as a deterrent. — Capital punishment is necessary in extreme cases especially involving children. Supporters of the death penalty believe that those who commit murder, because they have taken the life of another, have forfeited their own right to life. If people can do something and think that they can get away with it then they are most likely going to try to do just that. What I don't agree in is the fact that the Canadian Government aren't analyzing criminal cases as much as they used to. Some crimes don’t deserve a second chance. tap here to see other videos from our team. [28] Executioners experimented with the length of the rope for the drop. I strongly believe that there would be less crime because, not only would we get rid of repeat offenders, but it would also scare other criminals from committing future acts, knowing they could lose their life. (Toronto: Canadian Scholars' Press, 2005), 87. The moral argument for capital punishment is simple: If you take another’s life you forfeit your own. In recent years Canada’s previous leadership in international efforts for abolition has crumbled. For a victim of rape, sexual abuse or incest? Despite that, that last executions in Canada were made under the Criminal Code, in 1962 when Ronald Turpin and Arthur Lucas were both hanged at Toronto’s Don Jail. Countries with the death penalty are much safer, Example Japan, Asia and Arab countries, People don't have to fear for their lives. The death penalty should not be reinstated in Canada, as it has no valuable purpose whatsoever. — Capital punishment is not a deterrent and is not cost-effective. The death penalty should not be reinstated. The individual who wantonly takes someone´s life, automatically forfeits the right to his or her own. An example would be the case about the schizophrenic Asian-Canadian who beheaded the person on the greyhound bus. As the Bible notes: “The murderer shall surely be put to death” and speaking of the government: “A revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil.” Gwen Woods, Mission, B.C.

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