people to secure identification (such as passports), use government centers,”. our criminal justice system. The Reform Agenda draws on Spark innovation in gun violence research by kicking off a our economy. All rights reserved. longer present a danger to the public; End the practice of basing sentences upon conduct for which a Form a Department of Justice initiative to partner with elected designed to positively integrate new Americans into our nation and our Patrick entered the primary in early November, long after his opponents had released detailed policy proposals. interactions. Establish a national standard governing the use of force in This will include expanded support for English language Direct the Justice Department to impose accountability in local Deval Patrick Announces Policy Agenda for 2020 Campaign Releases Platform Centered on Four Policy Pillars: Opportunity, Reform, Democracy, and Foreign Policy BOSTON, MA - Today Governor Patrick unveiled a policy agenda for his 2020 campaign. a criminal justice one. life. Patrick outlines four themes: "Opportunity Agenda," focused on education, economic and infrastructure investment. number of proposals to protect and expand civil and human rights, Rep. Bost of Illinois tests positive for COVID-19, Truck hauling bananas rolls over on Mass. circulation. We will permanently close the various legal loopholes that allow Direct the Justice Department to investigate, disrupt and established a regional New England working group to coordinate efforts continue to experience, and that as a result continue to make the behavioral health care in their communities. are too One of the central issues in the campaign is climate change, but Patrick offers few details. He has spent the past month building campaign staff and raising money. Insurance companies should not be able “Ban the box” on employment applications and reduce the time policing, and introduce new mandatory training in use of force and Expanding access to life-saving preventive drug regimens like and livelihoods of members of the LGBTQ+ community. workforce. Reform law that allowed police to disperse groups that were blocking access to Thanks to Governor Patrick’s His education proposals include free schooling from prekindergarten to community college, or the first two years of a four-year college, and allowing people to refinance their student loan debt. one will be at risk of receiving a surprise bill or being forced into builds on Governor Patrick’s record of results as Governor of On Dr. Martin We will step up enforcement of existing discrimination provisions Administration will unwind the Trump and Bush tax cuts that have He does not want to eliminate U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, as some of his rivals have suggested, but would "overhaul" the agency. —“Democracy Agenda,” with proposals to expand access to voting. Patrick expresses support for raising the corporate tax rate to 25%, a stand that aligns him with Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar but puts him behind former Vice President Joe Biden. telehealth options to address the lack of access to services in some Terrorism, and Enforce Civil Rights. The plan includes a Affordable, Comprehensive Health Care        Resources to ensure that the FBI has time to complete every necessary background “A politics that says we have to agree on everything before we can work together on anything, that offers government by slogan and short-term wins, that consistently puts power ahead of principle, is exactly the kind of politics that brought us to this point,” the former Massachusetts governor writes. We will create a national peer-to-peer outreach effort for A Reform Agenda is about making prioritize ending human trafficking and other illegal activity rather force The plan explains how the Patrick Administration The law also reduced the size of drug-free We will partner with the private sector and nonprofits like the The administration’s tax plan will treat capital effective at both substantially reducing the rate of incarcerated as abortion coverage under federally funded health plans; Rescind the “Mexico City policy” that limits our ability to System. In 2013, Governor Patrick signed the consensus We need a national policy focused on ensuring that New Americans are a national treasure, and the services we provide in return must Defender System, Create a New Presidential Commission can modeled on the Massachusetts Statewide Advocacy for Veterans Click here to learn more. the most efficient and comprehensive way; Scale up and expand a national Prescription Drug Monitoring the Education Department’s guidance to schools on transgender student still contribute. for those currently incarcerated for marijuana offenses, (ii) He says voters care less about "policy abstractions" and more about "where policy touches people.". the most provocative hate speech and shut down the dark web where hate project of comprehensive immigration reform. especially those of LGBTQ+ Americans, so that America is governed by Reform the Asylum Process and Protect As the Assistant Attorney General in Home Base program in Massachusetts to leverage best practices in the — such as the non-discrimination provisions of the ACA — and ensure the guise of exercising religious liberty. Refugees, Universal Point-of-Sale Background "Reform Agenda," focused on health care, criminal justice, immigration and tax policy. storage rule. the national rate. Veterans’ Services. criminal records and “banned the box” requiring premature disclosure of “Consistent with my record as marijuana, and (iii) support for legal marijuana entrepreneurs in Board of Directors for the Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts “Raise the Age” law, raised the maximum age for juvenile jurisdiction But while Patrick lays out his position on a handful of hot-button issues, his 11-page proposal offers few specifics on policy. aggressive employment campaign to increase mass incarceration, institute retroactive reforms to sentencing laws, Any change in our marijuana laws must be coupled with (i) equity An even higher Restore Rights for the Incarcerated, Fund Mental Health and Addiction Administration, Massachusetts spent more than twice as much resources BOSTON, MA - Former Governor Deval Patrick today announced his Reform Agenda: policies to repair the government systems so that they align with our values and enable the American Dream. solve. abortion clinics. Patrick entered the primary in early November, long after his opponents had released detailed policy proposals, He has spent the past month building campaign staff and raising money. and productively reintegrate individuals who have completed their governors in the nation to issue a declaration establishing that the the Age” work, create incentives for states to address young adult to address the epidemic. the Clinton administration, Patrick prosecuted abortion clinic violence. Massachusetts and across the New England region. Checks for Gun Purchases. eliminate U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. We will close the “Charlestown Loophole” states and rural areas; Direct the Education and Health and Human Services Departments to values: equality, opportunity, fair play., A Compassionate and Modern Immigration System, Universal Access to Affordable Health Care, Thriving Veterans, Service Members, and Military Families. We will rescind the Trump Administration’s rules and executive Patrick proposes allowing individuals to receive free tuition and fees at a public college or university for every year they serve. needs and have long excluded some Americans. and appointed state prosecutors and judges around the country seeking We will overhaul the culture and priorities of all the relevant access to condoms; and. strong, common-sense gun laws to stop dangerous people from purchasing The agenda includes proposals on enable, instead of impair, the American Dream and align with our core be expunged. “My Copyright © 2020 Eric M. Appleman/Democracy in services across the board. veterans Immigration, Civil and Human Rights, Criminal Justice, Gun Update and support community policing models on local police Program to track and understand opioid prescription patterns; Boost federal opioid awareness efforts, and target resources on abortion and contraception access. multinational companies that allow some of our most successful and On health care, Patrick express support for providing a public option within the Obama-era health law, “one that is free to some and low cost to others, and that could even be modeled on Medicare.”. people of color. administration was at the forefront of tackling the epidemic in Transition Programs. Under Governor Patrick’s leadership, On some issues, such as taxes, he’s among the more conservative in the field. legislation The and improving prevention and awareness efforts. enforcement. reports 16 new COVID-19 deaths, 570 new cases, Marshfield elementary school reports 6 new COVID-19 cases, moves to fully remote learning, Talked up as spoiler, Kanye West's 2020 bid draws mostly shrugs, ‘I feel like I have dementia’: Brain fog plagues COVID survivors, Police seek public's help identifying man who allegedly assaulted a woman outside Dana-Farber, GOP US. the right of individuals to access adequate He advocates for “leadership that builds bridges.”, It’s a shot at the progressive candidates in race for the nomination who have argued for a wholesale, systemic overhaul rather than incremental changes. will honor the contributions and talent of American service members and Fight Hate Crimes and Domestic de-escalation. Governor The Patrick Administration took incarcerates too many people, including a disproportionate number of HIV/AIDS. prosecute domestic terrorism with a comprehensive and coordinated Patrick expresses support for raising the corporate tax rate to 25%, a stand that aligns him with Minnesota Sen. Amy Klobuchar but puts him behind former Vice President Joe Biden. With about six weeks to go until the New Hampshire primary, where Patrick hopes for a strong showing, he faces a truncated window to catch up on policy and to get his name out to voters. and work with Congress to end the gun industry’s legal immunity for the "Reform Agenda," focused on health care, … We will fund and support new Response. assessing tax receipts by country of operation. Programs, Increase Funding for the Public Border patrol will gains like taxable income, increase the estate tax, and increase the a feature of the national conversation, Governor Patrick’s The Governor advanced this agenda —“Opportunity Agenda,” focused on education, economic and infrastructure investment. farm's display supporting Biden, Harris goes up in flames, Fatal shooting in Denver amid dueling protests, police say, Man kicked, spit on woman at JFK/UMass Station, Transit Police say, Trump makes 1st public appearance since his hospital stay, Mass. Support and Enable a Public Health Building on my “Raise corporations to shift their operations overseas solely for the purpose Patrick As necessary, our administration will provide monetary incentives Empowerment (SAVE). profitable corporations pay no federal taxes whatsoever; Impose new rules and steep penalties to make it impossible for mission. —“Leadership Agenda,” which focuses on his views on America’s role globally. suicide prevention, and outreach to homeless combat veterans. the federal level and open an Office of New Americans in the White The Agenda also details Governor Patrick’s proposal for Safety, Health Care, Taxes, and Veteran's Services.

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