Myth 4 : Hamadryas Ptelea. Klytie was a Nymphe loved by the sun-god Helios. (Source: Athenaeus), See Walnut (both were called karya in Greek), Greek : Krokos

(Source: Nonnus) amzn_assoc_title = ""; Dracaena comes from the Greek word for dragon and appears to be as durable as that mythical beast. The fir-cone was a symbol of the god's phallus. Aphrodite, Hera and Athene all laid claim to the prize. The Hamadryad nymph of the wild grape vine. (Source: Strabo), Greek : Ptelea Its roots go deep, like the boxthorn;

eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'gardenoid_com-box-3','ezslot_2',102,'0','0'])); Lady’s Mantle is one among the most famous mythical flowers to have existed before the 18th century in Europe. Flowers are not merely a beautiful creation of Mother Nature and symbolic of love, passion and youth, but, are also deeply associated with many legends and myths. These he cast before the princess in the race, slowing her down as she stooped to retrieve them and so won the race. banana fruit, banyan tree myth, mango tree, mythical plants, peepal tree, plant magic, plant myths, rosemary bush << Previous Post. The spear of Akhilleus, the great hero of the Trojan War, was crafted by the centaur Kheiron for his father Peleus from an ash growing on Mount Pelion. A- Z Health Index | Myth 2 : Barrow of Eetion. Mythology : Birth of Hera. The tree is prized for its wood. Myth 4 : Medicines of Kheiron. Magical plants such as Ruta Graveolens or Rue as its popularly known, has been mentioned in many Shakespearean works. Although... is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to

The alchemists collected the dew from the leaves and then used the dewdrops to experiment on base metals. Sacred to : Haides (asphodel planted around tombs), Persephone & Hekate (statues of these goddesses were adorned with asphodel on the island of Rhodes) (Source: Ovid, Pliny, et al) Myth 2 : Poison of Medea. Many plants bloom for only a few weeks, often in the spring or early summer, and the individual flowers tend to be short-lived. Plant name generator . Clytie remained in love with Apollo. Species : Vitex agnus castus

The Titan Kronos devoured each of his children as soon as they were born, except Zeus, who was safely hidden away by his mother Rheia. Theseus once travelled to Athens to present himself to his long lost father King Aegeas. google_ad_height = 280; He was stabbed by a wounded boar’s tusks when he went hunting one day.

Jupiter decided he was too powerful and sent him …

Species : Helichrysum siculum and Helichrysum orientale Greek : Agallis, iris A boy loved by the god Hermes.

This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. The … Species : Vitis vinifera Sacred to : Dionysos (his devotees wielded fir-cone tipped staffs), Kybele (a sacred silver fir was decorated at the centre of her mountain orgies), Eileithyia (the gum of the silver fir called the menses of Eileithyia, perhaps with a medicinal use in childbirth)

//-->. Myth 5 : Medicines of Asklepios. with marital chastity, sacred tree in her Samian temple), Hestia (virgin priestesses carried chaste-tree stems), Artemis (Spartan statue bound in withy stems), Demeter (matrons strew their beds with flowers of the tree during the Thesmophoria festival) According to this fictional book, the tree was planted in order to camouflage the entrance of a secret passage that started from the Hogwarts grounds to a spot in Hogsmeade Village called Shrieking Shack.

Natives belonging to ancient Germanic tribes used this plant in carrying out their rituals. In herb folklore of the Middle Ages, Rue was added secretly to the 4 Thieves Vinegar concoction when bubonic plaque wiped out millions.

It secretes a sweet sap known as manna in July and August which was harvested by the ancients. google_ad_width = 336; His rude behavior earned him gods’s wrath and was cursed to fall in love with his own reflection.

Description : A yellow-flowering perennial which grows 8 to 15 feet tall. The bright yellow colored Sunflower, too, has mythical roots like the above mentioned flowers. The gods were fearful and castrated it creating the goddess Kybele. Species : Ferula communis

Glaukos was a fisherman from the Boiotian town of Anthedon who found a magical herb growing near the shore.

The juniper's berries ripen to an orange-red, and the male cones are yellow. One of the Titanes who fled from Zeus and was transformed by his mother Gaia into a fig-tree. Their seed is carried on the wind, hence the ancient Greek name for the flower, anemone (from anemos, the wind). Species : Conium maculatum Greek : Helleboros Many voodoo witches in the Caribbean used this herb to cast voodoo spells of love between a couple. Annies Remedy Home | It is associated with gods in Greek mythology. Its roots go deep, like the boxthorn; Its spike will prick your hand like a bramble. The daughters of King Proitos of Argos were driven mad by the god Dionysos as punishment for scorning his worship. The goddess Persephone and her companion Nymphs were gathering rose, crocus, violet, dwarf iris, lily (leirion) and larkspur blooms in a springtime meadow when she was abducted by the god Haides. According t ... Anise is said to increase psychic abilities and ward off the Evil Eye in magical practices. According to myths, this plant was believed to have powers that worked against vampires. Greek : Melia amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "gn-sidebar-20"; He transformed himself into a bull and breathed a crocus from his mouth to drawn her near and so carry her away. Description : A creeping vine which flowers in autumn and whose black berries ripen in late winter. Also : Monkshood, Wolf's-bane While Janet Craig’s foliage is a deep-sea green, Limelight is a striking lime green in color. The earth-goddess Gaia produced first apple-tree as a wedding-present for the goddess Hera. Medea was said to have left her basket of Kolkhian herbs on Mount Pelion where they sprouted for the use of later Thessalian withces.

It has large oval leaves. In one such poem, Allah gave the name ‘Queen of Flowers’ to the white rose. Greek : Elatê Myth 3 : Metamorphosis Ambrosia. Witchcraft is mentioned in passing by many poets, but the most descriptive account is surely to be found in the Golden Ass of Apuleius. This name generator will give you 10 random plant names of 2 different types: a generic type and a randomized type. (Source: Pausanias, Ovid, Nonnus) They ancients mostly used them as swine-feed. However when she discovered that he had been unfaithful, she forced him to castrate himself and transformed him into a silver fir. Horehound is a mythical flower that can be linked to Germanic mythological stories. Species : Helleborus cyclophyllus (and H. orientalis and Veratrum album)

At the spot where his blood drops fell, there grew red anemone flowers. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'gardenoid_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_15',106,'0','0'])); If you read any folklore, rose will definitely find mention in it. Species : Ulmus glabra Mythology : Death of Adonis. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Description : Firs are mountain growing pyrmaidal-shaped conifers.

Species : Anemone coronaria (Source: Apollodorus, Hyginus)

Myth 1 : Emetic of Kronos. (Source: Apollodorus, Hyginus, et al)

The Hamadryad nymph of the elm tree. Ancient Chinese used the roots of ginseng to treat sexual ailments and to increase stamina. The seer Melampos, in response to the plees of the king, found the girls wandering in the mountains and cured them with hellebore. (Source: Athenaeus), Also : Turkish fir and Trojan fir (Source: Pausanias), Greek : Smilax

The Oneiroi, spirits of dreams, roosted on the branches an elm tree near the entrance of Haides.

... King Solomon's temple was said to built entirely from cedar from Lebanon. When he pursued her, she fled and transformed into a laurel tree to escape him.

Sacred to : Dionysos (garlands of bindweed worn in the orgies of the god) Even the shades of flowers carry different connotations, like, red flowers are symbolical of energy and blood. (Source: Homeric Hymns) Such was the power of Linden Tree that it could never be destroyed by lightening. Mythology : Hamadryas Kraneia. Description : The grape was widely cultivated in ancient Greece for the production of wine. Hyacinthus was also loved by the God of the West Wind, Zephyrus who always loathed Apollo.

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