Sexes are similar. Great Crested Flycatcher: Large, crested flycatcher with olive-green upperparts. Pink-gray legs and feet. Bill, legs are yellow. The legs and feet are pink. Strong, direct and fast flight on rapidly beating wings. Formerly Shy Albatross. White throat with faint brown necklace. Head has black hood, and yellow face. It usually forages in understory vegetation and dead leaves. Eyebrows are thick and vary from pale yellow to white. Sexes are similar, though females are larger and longer billed. Upperwings are dark gray with pale gray patches. Bill is dull yellow to gray-green (eastern) or orange-yellow (western). This product and/or its method of use is covered by one or more of the following patent(s): US patent number 7,363,309 and foreign equivalents. Thick yellow bill. Scarlet Tanager: Medium tanager with brilliant red body, black wings, tail. The Male (shown in background) has a dark gray back and head, and black-streaked shoulders. Bar-tailed Godwit: This large shorebird has a long upcurved bill, scaled brown, black and gray mottled upperparts and pale red-brown underparts. Dark gray wings with red edges on primaries. Makes low flights of short duration. Wings are dark with green shoulder patches. Legs and feet are black. White eye-ring is broken. Red-tailed Tropicbird: This medium-sized tropic bird has silky white plumage and a small but conspicuous black eye stripe. The long tail and short wings can give this bird an ungainly look in flight. Dark gray back and nape. Wings are gray with large yellow patches. Eats insects, larvae, seeds, fruits and berries. North America's only all-white owl. Flight is powerful with slow wing beats and long glides. Common Rosefinch: Small, stocky finch, red upperparts and breast, faintly streaked brown back, white underparts. Feeds on fish, crustaceans and amphibians. Worm-eating Warbler: Medium-sized, ground nesting warbler with olive-gray upperparts and pale yellow underparts. Tail is gray-brown and slightly forked, edged with cinnamon-brown. This is the only woodpecker in the east with a completely red head. Couch's Kingbird: Large flycatcher, olive-green upperparts, gray head, dark eye patch, white throat, bright yellow underparts. Legs and feet are yellow. Strong swift flight low over water. Wings and tail are dark brown. It has a yellow-white bill with a black tip, black legs and feet, and a medium length tail. Listen for its rush-and-jumble song in summer and you’ll find this species zipping through shrubs and low tree branches, snatching at insects. Heavy bill is yellow-gray. Female is paler overall with brown head and buff rump. Pink bill, legs and feet. Tail is gray with white spots near corners. Wings are black with white stripes. Head is black, has inconspicuous red crown feathers visible when bird is displaying. Strong swift and direct flight on rapid wing beats. It has a chalky white bill, black legs and feet, and a medium length tail. Sexes are similar. The eyes are yellow and the bill is blue-gray with a black tip. Upper mandible is black with pale base, while lower mandible is yellow with black tip. Rose-breasted Grosbeak: Large finch, black head, back, bright red breast, and white rump, sides, belly. The bill has pale lower mandible with dark tip. Swift, purposeful flight, alternates fluttering wing beats with glides. Feeds on insects, ticks, spiders, lizards, fruits, berries and seeds. Heavy bill is yellow-gray. Bill, legs and feet are black. Sallies to snatch insects in flight. They are renowned for their display flight and song. May hover briefly. Mitch Waite Group. Red bill. Dickcissel: Medium-sized, stocky, sparrow-like bird. Feeds on seeds, spiders, and insects. Feeds on insects and berries. Feeds on insects, caterpillars, snails, crustaceans, small fish, salamanders, fruits, grains and seeds. Pine Warbler: Medium warbler with plain olive-gray upperparts, yellow throat and breast, blurry-streaked sides, and white belly and undertail coverts. Undertail coverts are white. Prairie Warbler: Small warbler, brown-streaked, olive-green upperparts with reddish-brown streaking, bright yellow underparts with black streaks on sides. Slender crest. Wings are black with large, white patches. Territorial in both its winter and summer ranges. Direct and hovering flight with very rapid wing beats. Alternates short glides with series of rapid wingbeats. Gray-white eye ring and light tan colored bill. logo design courtesy of The Haller Company. The tail has long, red central streamers. White arc beneath eye. Underparts are white with dark streaks on sides and yellow on throat and breast. Emperor Goose: This small goose has slate-gray plumage that is subtly barred in white and black. White-eyed Vireo: Medium-sized, secretive vireo with olive-green upperparts, and white underparts with yellow sides and flanks. Eye-ring is dull white; throat is white. Blue-winged Warbler: Medium-sized warbler with olive-green upperparts and yellow underparts. Wings are gray with two white bars. Makes low flights of short duration. Direct flap-and-glide flight with powerful, deep wingbeats. It has black flight feathers and bright red legs and feet. Forages on the ground in trees and bushes. Wings and spectacularly long, deeply forked tail are black. It feeds on small fish and squid. Dark gray wings with red edges on primaries. Tail is dark above with conspicuous white rump band and gray below. Bill is large, conical, and bright orange-red. Legs dark, bill dusky with yellow tip. Breast and sides streaked with dark chevrons, white belly. Tail has white outer feathers. Bluethroat: Small thrush with brown upperparts, striking blue bib with rust-brown central spot, black and brown-orange bands across breast, thick white eyebrow, and white underparts. Great Crested Flycatcher: Large, crested flycatcher with olive-green upperparts. Rather swift, deliberate direct flight on rapidly beating wings. Flies in straight line formation. Wings are olive-green with very faint wing-bars. Veery: Medium-sized thrush with rust-brown upperparts, indistinct pale gray eye-ring, white underparts, and faint rust-brown spots on the breast. Swift, direct flight with rapidly beating wings. Rivoli's Hummingbird is a new name for the Magnificent Hummingbird. Painted Redstart: Medium warbler with black head, upperparts, bright red breast and belly. It feeds on mollusks, worms and aquatic insects. One of the earliest breeding warblers. Thayer's Gull, formerly its own species is now a subspecies of the Iceland Gull. Head, neck, and underparts are vibrant yellow and the undertail coverts are white. Wings are dark with two white bars. Rapid flight with shallow wing beats. Short flight, alternates several rapid wing beats with wings pulled to sides. Blue-gray legs and feet. Eyestripes are thick and black with white borders. Formerly called Sky Lark, name was changed to Eurasian Skylark in 2016 by the American Ornithologist Union. Bill is short with orange lower mandible. Bill is heavy and black. Bill is long, black with orange at the base and curved upward. Gray legs and feet. Wings are dark with two white bars. Head is bare and olive-green. Sexes are similar. Glides between perches or to the ground. Tail is gray. Tail is long, broad, edged with white (black near base). Soars on thermals. Feeds on fish, mollusks, and crustaceans. Wings are dark with rufous patches. Tail has white outer feathers. Whatbird parametric search. The face is pale with finely streaked crown, crisp brown cheek patch, white eyestripe, and gray nape. The black crown has a short black crest, the white tail is deeply forked, and the legs and feet are black. Legs and feet are pink. Sharp-tailed Grouse: Medium grouse with lightly barred brown upperparts and white underparts dotted with chevrons. Sexes are similar. Bill is short and black. Legs, feet are pink-brown. The sexes are similar. Bounding flight. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher: Small flycatcher with olive-green upperparts, yellow underparts, and olive-green wash on breast. Head is black, has inconspicuous red crown feathers visible when bird is displaying. Head has a yellow-green cap, yellow face, and dark eye, cheek stripes. • Generally found in scrubs and bushes. First discovered near Philadelphia in 1842. Forehead, throat, and upper breast are bright red. Wings are dark with two white bars. Eye-ring is white. Gray cheek patch is marked by a thin, black line. Bill, legs and feet are black. Trumpeter Swan: Largest swan in the world, completely white but with head and neck often stained rust-brown from contact with ferrous minerals in wetland soils. Wings are olive-green with very faint wing-bars. Legs are long and yellow. The only eastern warbler that nests in tree hollows. Head has black mask and sideburns and thick yellow eyebrows. Darker head has white eyebrows and dark eyestripes. Head crest is black, facial skin is red, and large bill is blue-gray and hooked. Wings and tail are brown. Copyright © 2000-2020 Dreamstime. Common Black Hawk: Large hawk, nearly all black with white patch just behind bill. Black-barred wings and tail have prominent white patches. Eye-ring is white. Gray Bunting Breeding Male: Medium sized, dark gray bunting with black streaks on back, shoulders, and underparts. White-capped Albatross: Large seabird with white body and gray back. Common Rosefinch: Small, stocky finch, red upperparts and breast, faintly streaked brown back, white underparts. Feeds on large insects, small rodents and birds. Feeds on insects, caterpillars, snails, crustaceans, small fish, salamanders, fruits, grains and seeds. Grace's Warbler: Medium flycatching warbler with gray upperparts and black streaks on back and crown. Wings are blue-gray with two white bars.

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