of assimilation, we survive -and indeed grow- in numbers and strength. google_color_url = "000000"; The number of indigenous politicians in electoral office is higher at municipal levels.[116]. to allow the Mapuche to take part effectively in the discussion, decision making, The government of Salvador Allende (1970–73) passed an Indigenous Law (17.729) recognising the distinctive culture and history of Mapuche people in Chile. [40], The Mapuches, led by Caupolicán and Lautaro, succeeded in killing Pedro de Valdivia at the Battle of Tucapel in 1553. [26] The bulk of the Mapuche population worked in agriculture. Colonization Archaeological finds have shown the existence of a Mapuche culture in Chile as early as 600 to 500 BC.
AThe International Decade [5] Croese (1989, 1991) has advanced the hypothesis that Mapudungun is related to the Arawakan languages. The recommendations included the formal recognition of political and "territorial" rights for indigenous peoples, as well as efforts to promote their cultural identities. Besides the return of their land, Mapuche are also fighting for cultural preservation. [20][21], Evidence for a Chono past of the southernmost Mapuche lands in Chiloé and the nearby mainland are various placenames with Chono etymologies despite the main indigenous language of the archipelago at the arrival of the Spanish being veliche (Mapuche). [14], In addition the Mapuche and Huilliche economy was complemented with Araucana chicken and chilihueque raising[43][46] and collection of Araucaria araucana and Gevuina avellana seeds.