To God be the glory. Il est effondré lorsqu'il entend une voix[9] lui crier que ses amis l'attendent à la barricade de la rue de la Chanvrerie, car les obsèques du général Lamarque ont déclenché une insurrection menée notamment par le groupe de l'ABC. Resurrection has the power to break open tombs and tear down walls.

A number of years ago, we took the kids into New York City to see one of those off Broadway shows that the audience is part of the show. God loves the world and so, therefore, must we.

But those types of singularities are rare.

It looks like a woman.

It’s either good or… The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep.

Love is the beginning and the ending of God’s story, from Creation to Resurrection to re-creation.”  God’s story for us is a story of love. C'est tout ce dont il hérite de son père, la vente du mobilier suffit à peine à payer l'enterrement. This is a hard truth in our world right here and right now that every United Methodist is urged to name. The God who created light in the darkness loves the world so much. There are a hundred boys and girls. I want you to ask yourselves a question. Now, it’s important for us to recognize and acknowledge that the story of what happened just before the dawn doesn’t tell us that the darkness won’t occur.

If we are to answer that question from a perspective of growing our faith, the answer is pretty clear: we have to get out of the boat. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knows, the door will be opened. Nicodemus was a devout Jew – a leader - the story says. Someone has to move them. On the one hand, we are affording the opportunity for God’s grace to be poured out on the child, even though they are not able to actually recognize it. Now faith, hope, and love remain—these three things—and the greatest of these is love. Is the church staying in the boat, in the safety of the status quo, or is the church cultivating its faith through its obedience to the call of Jesus? Sometimes we pray, and we don’t understand the magnitude of what we’re praying for. The legacy of our congregation is vital to understanding our connection to our community and to one another. We know the Pharisees’ response to those questions: more violence. Esther saved her people. We saw it this past week. As if somehow this passage creates a condition for God’s love – that whosoever believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.

For a person who commutes into the city and has to walk from Penn Station to their office 8 blocks away, rain is a pain in the neck. We must not knock on the door praying for status quo when people are literally dying because of it.

You wondered that, didn’t you? Jesus said to the woman in verses 13 & 14, “Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty. To demonstrate the servant leadership that he showed us.

Les choses sont noires, les créatures sont opaques.

Cet homme balafré qui pleure, caché derrière un pilier, attire l'attention du père Mabeuf, marguillier de la paroisse, qui se prend d'amitié pour lui. And so we knock. We must finally stand up and proclaim that it is in darkness that the dawn comes.

He was among the people who his own people, the Jews, had declared unclean and social outcasts.

Le grand-père Gillenormand fait exprès d'épeler le nom de l'empereur en l'italianisant et, dans le texte, Hugo fait dire à Gillenormand dans son face à face avec Marius lors de leur affrontement : « C'étaient tous des bandits qui ont servi Robespierre ! So, I’d like to start by sharing a couple of scripture passages that we’ll tie into the theme from Les Misérables for today. She’s dressed in rags; she sweeping the floor; she’s being told to go out into the cold dark night to draw a bucket of water. […] Comme sa bouche était charmante, ses lèvres les plus vermeilles et ses dents les plus blanches du monde, son sourire corrigeait ce que toute sa physionomie avait de sévère. If we are to be the living water for the world, then we can no longer look at our church as a place – as a building for us to go once a week or so to simply recharge our spiritual batteries and then go back home.

But at the same time, we must be careful to ensure that our story is not one based in exclusivism. There must be more to our life as disciples of Jesus Christ than living into some misplaced dedication to the way things have always been and the way things currently are. So the owner then decides to send his son.

When Jesus teaches his disciples to pray with the words, “Give us this day our daily bread”, we should remember that in the Gospel of John, how Jesus refers to himself.

Every February 2, the world seems to set their eyes on a rodent in Punxsutawney, PA who tells us whether or not our weather is going to be good… or not.

God is offering us light in our darkness. The water of the Sea of Galilea was very real and it is very deep. Still others may live with large families. Where do we stand, as people of faith, in the face of a pandemic that is causing great suffering, causing people to lose their jobs, causing some to have to work in dangerous circumstances, often for very low pay – putting themselves and their families at risk? She shared several stories of when she was traveling around the country consulting with churches on their food pantry ministries. There are a myriad of questions that embracing the resurrection brings up. That’s what she thinks is her new normal. Are we the ones using the declaration of Jesus as Messiah to ensure justice for the poor and freedom to the captives?

But I also hope that the “Christ-existing-as-community” (the Church) understands that the living water must represent, for us, a paradigm shift in how we view the world. His idea was to take his department’s very manual way of operating and transitioning it step for step onto a computer.

The text simply states a truth: a seat at the matrimonial banquet in the Kingdom of Heaven will require something more than merely accepting an invitation to discipleship. Parallèlement, Marius est retourné chez son grand-père Gillenormand pour lui demander l'autorisation d'épouser Cosette. Our walk with God requires audience participation. If a person gets a diagnosis of cancer or diabetes, are we to believe that God is punishing that person somehow for not being faithful enough? And we continue to pray for peace and healing.

Theological author Norman Wirzba says in his book, Food and Faith, “Bread has long been central to the heart and life of Near Eastern and Western cultures. But it is an opportunity for us as people of faith to share the love that we have been shown with other people. The concept of exile is something that may seem to be antithetical to the idea of love, and it is. The second window’s inscription says that it was presented to the church by D.W. Pinkerton for his Father and Mother. Beloved community of Christ, please know that this is nothing new. Well, honestly, this parable isn’t really interested in that question. Resurrection has the power to transform the rocky wilderness of our hearts into instruments of grace. M. Gillenormand qualifie son gendre de « honte de la famille » et ne fait jamais qu'allusion à lui que pour se moquer de sa « baronnie » faite par « Buonaparté »[2]. Bear with one another and, if anyone has a complaint against another, forgive each other; just as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive. Un bouleversement idéologique s'opère en lui et le royaliste qu'il était de fait devient un démocrate-bonapartiste qui s'oppose à son royaliste de grand-père et Marius quitte alors le domicile familial. The stories told in our windows are part of the unbreakable connection that draws us deeper into relationship with God - the unbreakable connection that is God’s grace, available to us all.

To God be the glory.

That’s why the stories in our stained glass windows are so important. We are now in our sixth month of this pandemic. She meant that she was tired of living in a world in which separation from each other was preferable to being connected with one another.

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. AZLyrics. The love of God is a love that should change and transform us. It’s also the first call for us in the church to understand that from now on, we are moving toward the new. No longer are Jews and Samaritans, males and females, to be thought of in isolated segregated categories. That’s why it’s important for us to understand that our reading today is not – in and of itself – isolated.

Her mind logically concludes that someone has taken Jesus’ body.

They rejected the teachings of Jesus, sent him to a hill outside of Jerusalem and killed him. He assures them that they are not – and will not be – alone. The unbreakable connection is Jesus Christ, the word of God. It turned out that there was no famous Broadway producer. Systemic racism thrives today.

Darkness is defeated. We can no longer afford to be mediocre disciples of the gospel, refusing to put on the garments of discipleship that God offers us. We have had conversations over the phone after our worship time. In the first 3 weeks of our 6-week series on The Grace of Les Misérables, we have looked through the lens of three of the individual characters that are powerful influences in the story.

Éponine, déjà amoureuse de Marius sans qu'il s'en doute, va l'aider à retrouver sa dulcinée du Luxembourg bien qu'en proie à la jalousie, mais sans que ce sentiment ne prenne jamais le dessus lorsqu'il s'agira de défendre le bonheur de l'élu de son cœur. Ra had died and was not being re-born.

For her, it was with her uncle. And that is where God calls us to be as well. Our gospel is not a prosperity gospel, in other words, God does not seek to make us filthy rich, but rather God seeks to make us rich in our generosity, God is present in how we are present for others.

Were you scared?

And yet, in the midst of her exile, as she is living in these squalid conditions, she sings of a hope. He told Peter, “This is the rock on which I will put together my church, a church so expansive with energy that not even the gates of hell will be able to keep it out.” The church is declared by Jesus from the onset to be in a context of conflict. My daughter and son-in-law are experiencing that right now as they prepare for their first child.

It points us directly at the Easter story and throws an uncomfortable accusation back toward those tenants… those Pharisees.

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