[38], Land reform was far more extensive under Obregón than it had been under Carranza. Juli 1915 in Paris) war ein mexikanischer General und Politiker. [32] Obregón's time as president saw the beginning of the art movement of Mexican muralism, with artists such as Diego Rivera, David Alfaro Siqueiros, José Clemente Orozco, and Roberto Montenegro invited to create murals expressive of the spirit of the Mexican Revolution on the walls of public buildings throughout Mexico. Following the election of Calles as president, Obregón returned to Sonora to farm. Regierungsbeamten wurde es möglich, Abgeordnete zu werden. [38], Although Obregón was suspicious of the Catholic Church, he was less anticlerical than his successor, Plutarco Elías Calles, would be. Noch einschneidender war die Einführung eines präsidentiellen suspensiven Vetos nach dem Vorbild der USA. He spent his teenage years working a variety of jobs, before finding permanent employment in 1898 as a lathe operator at the sugar mill owned by his maternal uncles in Navolato, Sinaloa. 1876 kam es zur „geträumten Revolution“ (Revolución Soñada) der Liberalen – einem programmatischen Widerstand gegen die undemokratische Regierungspraxis Lerdos. [48], Obregón won the 1928 Mexican presidential election, but months before assuming the presidency he was assassinated. Seine Regierungszeit, auch mit dem Ausdruck Porfiriat bezeichnet, die gekennzeichnet ist durch einen autoritären Regierungsstil, aber auch durch den wirtschaftlichen Aufstieg des Landes, wird bis heute kontrovers diskutiert. Damit band er einen Gegner Lerdos an sich und verhinderte dessen Kandidatur für das Präsidentenamt. Nach wenigen Tagen übergab er das Präsidentenamt an Juan Nepomuceno Méndez, um gegen die Truppen von José María Iglesias zu marschieren, der sich weiter als rechtmäßigen Interimspräsidenten betrachtete. In 1909, Obregón invented a chickpea harvester and soon founded a company to manufacture these harvesters, complete with a modern assembly line. campaigned actively against land reform and the organization of workers into secular unions. He made a considerable amount of money in these years, and also entertained many visitors. Die Gruppe der Porfiristen schuf unter ihrem „gran caudillo“ (großer Führer) eine Ordnung, in der Aufstände gewaltsam niedergeschlagen wurden. They especially criticized Article 3, which forbade religious instruction in schools, and Article 130, which adopted an extreme form of separation of church and state by including a series of restrictions on priests and ministers of all religions to hold public office, canvass on behalf of political parties or candidates, or to inherit from persons other than close blood relatives. [38], CROM's success did not necessarily translate to success for all of Mexico's workers, and Article 123 of the Constitution of Mexico was enforced only sporadically. Buchenau, Jürgen. 1846, nach Beginn des Krieges zwischen den USA und Mexiko, trat er in ein Bataillon von Freiwilligen ein, um gegen die Invasoren zu kämpfen, aber auch weil er eine größere Neigung zum Militärdienst als zum Priesteramt in sich spürte, dem er sich nach dem Wunsch seiner Verwandten hätte widmen sollen. In 1920, Obregón launched a revolt against Carranza, in which Carranza was assassinated. Having pushed through constitutional reform to again make reelection possible, Obregón won the 1928 election. Rebellion against Carranza government by Sonoran generals Obregón, Plutarco Elías Calles, and Adolfo de la Huerta in the Plan of Agua Prieta, 1920. [38], In spite of Obregón's moderate approach, his presidency saw the beginnings of clashes between Catholics and supporters of the Mexican Revolution. "The Demon Inside: Madre Conchita, Gender, and the Assassination of Obregon". Rebel forces massed in Veracruz and Jalisco. On 16 August 1914, Obregón and 18,000 of his troops marched triumphantly into Mexico City. Oktober 1876 zum Interimspräsidenten. No. Grund war sein Sieg bei Ixtepeji in der Sierra nördlich von Oaxaca. Iglesias vermied die militärische Auseinandersetzung und ließ sich am 21.12. auf das Angebot von Díaz ein, im Januar 1877 in die USA ins Exil zu gehen. Dadurch schaffte er es auch, die ausgedehnten Unruhen unter der Landbevölkerung einzudämmen, was den wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung des Landes begünstigte. [24], Obregón began to campaign in earnest in November 1919. On 23 April, the Sonorans issued the Plan of Agua Prieta, which triggered a military revolt against the president. Toral's subsequent trial resulted in his conviction and execution by firing squad. An imposing monument to Álvaro Obregón is located in the Parque de la Bombilla in the San Ángel neighborhood of southern Mexico City. "The Demon Inside: Madre Conchita, Gender, and the Assassination of Obregón". The searchers had no luck. This was somewhat ironic because Obregón had first risen to military prominence commanding Yaqui troops, to whom he promised land, and the 1926–27 Yaqui rebellion was a demand for land reform. Over half of the army joined De la Huerta's rebellion, with many of Obregón's former comrades in arms now turning on him. Im Dezember 1867 gewann Juárez trotz der Reformstreitigkeiten die Wahlen mit weitem Abstand vor Díaz, jedoch nicht mit absoluter Mehrheit. Dezember 1892, am 1. June 10, 1915 He was appointed provisional president after Gutierrez left Mexico City. Am 2. Er war Präsident von Mexiko in neun Regierungsperioden. Following the crushing of the rebellion, Calles was elected president, and Obregón stepped down from office. Am 23. [3] Er floh ins Exil nach Paris, wo er 1915 starb. Neben diesem Hauptpfeiler stützte sich das Regime auf Großgrundbesitzer, Industrielle, Großkaufleute und Bankiers. Obregón's son Álvaro Obregón Tapia served one term as the governor of Sonora as a candidate for the Institutional Revolutionary Party, founded following Obregón's assassination. Some of these were deliberately humiliating: for example, he forced foreign businessmen to sweep the streets of Mexico City. Ay! "I was helping them myself, because it's not so easy to abandon such a necessary thing as an arm." José de la Cruz Porfirio Díaz Mori (* 15. Obregón is also featured in the novel Il collare spezzato by Italian writer Valerio Evangelisti (2006). This bent and, in many people's minds, violated the revolutionary rule "no re-election" that had been enshrined in the constitution. Juli Richtung Puebla marschierte. "Imagining Mexico in 1921: Visions of the Revolutionary State and Society in the Centennial Celebration in Mexico City". CROM and a large part of public opinion were against his re-election, but he still counted on the support of most of the army and of the National Agrarian Party. Juárez’ Entscheidung hatte neben finanzpolitischen – 70 Prozent des Haushalts wurde für Militärausgaben verwandt – tatsächlich auch machtpolitische Gründe: Um seine Stellung und den Frieden zu sichern, musste er die Zentralmacht stärken, die lokalen Heerführer entmachten, die Militärhoheit der Landesregierungen abschaffen (August 1867) und das Heer unter der Führung der Zentralgewalt neu organisieren, so dass die fünf neuen Militärsektoren von regierungstreuen Offizieren geleitet wurden. At Carranza's behest, the Senate stripped Obregón of his military rank, a move which only increased Obregón's popularity. Eugen Lennhoff, Oskar Posner, Dieter A. Binder: ZBW – Leibniz-Informationszentrum Wirtschaft, https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Porfirio_Díaz&oldid=204463335, Träger des Chrysanthemenordens (Großkreuz), Träger des Ordens vom Niederländischen Löwen (Großkreuz), Träger des k.u. [15], Eventually, it became clear that the Villistas/Zapatistas had prevailed at the Convention; Carranza, however, refused to accept the Convention's preparations for a "pre-constitutional" regime, which Carranza believed was totally inadequate, and in late November, Carranza rejected the authority of the regime imposed by the Convention. Heilman, Jaymie. For six months, from 1 June 1920 to 1 December 1920, Adolfo de la Huerta served as provisional president of Mexico until elections could be held. [11], In Mexico City, Obregón moved to exact revenge on his perceived enemies. Nachdem jedoch Lerdo die Wahl knapp gewonnen hatte, wobei ihm Wahlfälschung vorgeworfen wurde, erklärte Iglesias den Präsidenten Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada für unrechtmäßig und ernannte sich selbst am 31. The president of Mexico (Spanish: Presidente de México), officially known as the president of the United Mexican States (Spanish: Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos), is the head of state and head of government of Mexico. The U.S. supplied Obregón arms but also sent 17 U.S. planes, which bombed rebels in Jalisco. In a wry story he told about himself, he joined in the search for his missing arm. Dies führte zur Unzufriedenheit in der Armee. Die Regierungszeit von Díaz war außerdem von der Stärkung der Zentralgewalt geprägt. [18][21][22], Shortly after swearing his allegiance to the new Constitution, Obregón resigned as Minister of War and retired to Huatabampo to resume his life as a chickpea farmer. Bei der Neugliederung der Heeresverwaltung fiel Díaz die Leitung des Ostsektors zu. Perhaps as with Porfirio Díaz, Obregón saw himself as indispensable to the nation and had the Constitution of 1917 amended so that he could run again for the presidency in Mexico. Diese Verhältnisse wurden im Caoba-Zyklus von B. Traven literarisch verarbeitet. Das Dokument kritisierte Juárez für die unbegrenzte Wiederwahl, vor allem aber für die massive Einflussnahme auf die Verfassungsorgane und die Länderregierungen. He also supported the heavily anticlerical Articles 3 and 130 that Carranza opposed. [8], Obregón and other Sonorans were deeply suspicious of Carranza's Secretary of War, Felipe Ángeles, because they considered Ángeles to be a holdover of the old Díaz regime. Obregón concluded the story, saying "And then everyone saw a miracle: the arm came forth from who knows where, and come skipping up to where the gold azteca [coin] was elevated; it reached up and grasped it in its fingers--lovingly--That was the only way to get my lost arm to appear. [23], By early 1919, Obregón had determined to use his immense popularity to run in the presidential election that would be held in 1920. He soon followed up by capturing the port city of Guaymas. Am 7. 1875 kam es zum Aufstand der „Cristeros“ für eine neue „katholische“ Republik. Der Mexikanisch-Amerikanische Krieg (englisch Mexican-American War; spanisch Intervención estadounidense en México oder Guerra Estados Unidos-México) zwischen Mexiko und den USA fand von 1846 bis 1848 statt.

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