Through family inter-marriage and the land rights that often came with it, many places for resource gathering were also shared. Salmon was caught using a variety of methods, the most common being the fishing weir. As Andy Paull noted, "It was the duty of the more responsible Indians to see that the history and traditions of our race were properly handed down to posterity. [4] The traditional territory was in the area now called in southwestern British Columbia, Canada, and covered Point Grey as the southern border. Oral tradition transmits history, literature, law and other knowledges verbally across generations, without a writing system, and forms the basis for most of the Squamish people's history.

One instance of this was the case of Kitsilano Indian Reserve, the location of which was Sen̓áḵw. From here, it continued northward to Roberts Creek on the Sunshine Coast, up the Howe Sound. The Squamish were the subject of intensive missionary efforts and the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia described the Squamish as "almost entirely Catholic".[23]. When at war or working, it was pinned in the back. During the winter season, one fire was used for ceremonies and spiritual work taking place in the house. Using smoke over alder or hemlock fires preserved salmon so it could be stored for up two years.

Through their history, their culture has gone through a great deal of change in the past few hundred years since contact and colonization started. After the spread of diseases which caused massive population drops and after colonizations of the territory, the language became a minority language in its own lands. In 1858–59 the Fraser Gold Rush brought in more foreign settlers to the territory, but major settlement did not begin until after the Canadian Pacific Railway was completed, bringing more foreigners from eastern Canada. This caused decades of effects with the near extinction of their language, the assimilation into mainstream Western society, and inter-generational trauma. Bows, arrows, nets, and snares were used to catch deer, elk, bear, goat, and birds. This shape was considered attractive and regarded as a sign of nobility. Trade was an important element of Musqueam life. 6; Vanier Park; Fish Weir People; People of the Fish Weir. Musqueam & UBC UBC Vancouver is located on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Musqueam people. This was not so with the Squamish. The reserves are located on long occupied village sites, camp sites, and historical sites. In 1876 the Indian Act was passed and the Joint Indian Reserve Commission, cordoned off plots of land or Indian reserves, designating the native population to specific areas. [12] Other stories transmitted through generations are of ancestral characters doing things or involved in events. Over the years, English became the prominent language. The value and ownership of places usually correlated to a valuable resource in the location, as opposed to overt physical characteristics. Other seafood such as herring, shell-fish, and seal. A dreadful skin disease, loathsome to look upon, broke out upon all alike.

(2005). Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada Website. Vitamin C is primarily found in berries and some other plants. The Tseil-waututh are Sel̓íl̓witulh, the Shishalh are the Shishá7lh, the Musqueam are Xwmétskwiyam, and the Lil'wat are Lúx̱wels.
This person would act in the best interest of his family and make decisions based on the group consensus of the family he represented.

In the early 19th century, Fort Langley was the Hudson's Bay Company's first major trading post. [29] Roberts Creek, on the Sunshine Coast, is considered the border between the Squamish territory and Shishalh's. As such, potlatches are hosted where gifts and material wealth is shared with the community. Shamans, prophets and medicine doctors were considered nobility because of the training and expertise they possessed. Kitsilano Indian Reserve No. Clothing for cooler weather consisted of a large animal skin, usually with the fur on. This notion of property is more similar to that considered under modern intellectual property law. [1] In 2012, there was population of 3,893 band members registered with the Squamish Nation. Kinship ties would connect each of the villages, and neighboring indigenous nations. … One salmon season the fish were found to be covered with running sores and blotches, which rendered them unfit for food. Usually the resources in question were food sources, such as salmon streams, herring spawning grounds, berry patches, and fishing holes. The Musqueam did not bury their dead. [28] The largest trees of old growth forest were located around Burrard Inlet, the slopes of Sen̓áḵw and the area presently known as False Creek. But the tops of the mountains came out of the sea and land was formed. A story recounts how the salmon come to the Squamish people; the salmon have their own world, and an island far out in the ocean. During the 1770s, smallpox (variola major) eradicated at least 30 percent of the indigenous population on the Northwest coast of North America, including many Squamish. sc̓ec̓ən̓ ct ʔəw c̓iyətalə k̓ʷəθ ƛ̓ec̓əw̓txʷ. Numerous villages populated the territory, with each village holding many longhouses. Shellfish, edible roots, berries and the wapato (a type of native potato) were gathered and harvested as well.

pp. [13] He was given a wife, an adze, and a salmon trap. In the summer, men went about naked while women wore a knee-length skirt of wool, deerskin, or shredded bark. [30] There are communities on 9 of the 26 Squamish reserves.
That is where the people of Chʼiyáḵmesh came from.

Within their territory many villages lived near resource or culturally significant places. [26][27] The evergreen trees are a typical British Columbia coastal mix of Douglas-fir, Western red cedar and Western Hemlock. This distribution of wealth is a key component of the potlatch gift-giving festival, and was encouraged through the display of values celebrated in the culture such as generosity, humility and respect. Elaborate events called a "potlatch", a word meaning to give that comes from the Chinook Jargon, is where a host or host family invites guests to participate in societal events.,, Retrieved from "", From Wikibooks, open books for an open world,, These reserves were managed and controlled by Indian agents from the Department of Northern and Indian Affairs.

First Nations Languages 2010", Reimer, Rudy (Yumks) The Mountains and Rocks are Forever: Lithics and Landscapes of Skwxwú7mesh Uxwumixw, George Vancouver 1757–2007: 250th Birth Anniversary, Survey of the Southwest Coast of BC, June 1792, Smallpox epidemic ravages Native Americans on the northwest coast of North America in the 1770s,, "Smallpox epidemic ravages Native Americans on the Northwest coast of North America in the 1770s", "Squamish Language Revitalization: From the Hearts and Minds of the Language Speakers", "Kitsilano land belongs to natives, appeal judges agree", "Natives accepting 92.5 million from Feds", "Stanley Park, Vancouver Parks Board, 2006", Registered Population, as of October 2012. The BC Language Project of Randy Bouchard and Dorthy Kennedy undertook more documentation under the direction of these two main collaborators of this project. Khatsahlano, August Jack and Charlie, Dominic. The Squamish language, or Sḵwx̱wú7mesh sníchim, is the ancestral language of the Squamish people. Prior to contact, travel was primarily done by canoe.

An aged informant of the Squamish people named Mel̓ḵw’s, said to be over 100 years old, was interviewed by Charles Hill-Tout in 1986. p28-29. Sea food, particularly salmon was their main staple. xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) people have lived in our traditional territory, what is currently called Vancouver and the surrounding areas, for thousands of years. Before contact, it was the prominent language of all the villages, along with the Chinook Jargon.

Up the Cheakamus River Squamish territory included land past Whistler, British Columbia. See above reference. In the values of the Squamish culture, respect for each other and generosity of both the wealth of wisdom and material wealth was key. Dominic Charlie told a similar story in 1965 about the origins of his people. [33] The siy̓ám̓ was usually chosen by factors which included his status and respect within the community, the village and other indigenous nations, and how much he exemplified the characteristics of a noble person, such as humility, respect, generosity, and wisdom. They fished, hunted, gathered, and trapped for subsistence along the shores of Burrard Inlet, the Mouth of the Fraser, and the borders of English Bay. To ensure that essentials vitamins are acquired, they eat almost all parts of animals which they harvest. Like other Indigenous peoples of the Pacific Northwest Coast, the Squamish have stories of the "Transformer" brothers who went around the world transforming things and people. Names were a type of property handed down through the generations. First Heritage Archaeological Consulting Squamish Traditional Study, The Uts'am Witness project and book Picturing Transformation Nexw-áyantsut, Squamish and Lillooet Nations, culture and language site, Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon,, Articles incorporating a citation from the 1913 Catholic Encyclopedia with Wikisource reference, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. A children's school called Xwemelch'stn Estimxwataxw School, meaning Xwmelch'stn Littleones School, with grades kindergarten to 3, was built to assist in language immersion, with plans to expand it into a full immersion programmed school. UBC Vancouver is located on the traditional, ancestral and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam) – People of the River Grass. It is only through a blood connection to the ancestor that names were passed down.

A person's position in the community is based on how much they gave of themselves to their people. Holes carved at the base of these totem poles allowed comings and goings. Register in advance for this webinar: Click here to REGISTER NOW Join Councillor Wendy Grant-John,…, Learn more on the Musqueam blog at this link:, From the beginning, through contact and to present Musqueam has practiced and maintains strong and proud traditions. Clark, Ella E. Indian Legends of the Pacific Northwest. Before contact, a village would consist of multiple dwellings called Longhouses, which would hold a large extended family. [7] This continued until European contact and diseases in 1791, which caused drastic changes to the people and culture. [24] Families were forced into leaving, and promised payment for the "sale". [40] Ooligans were once in their river system and Ooligan grease was once made from it. Wisdom or knowledge was passed on through oral and visual 'teachings'.

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