she screeched, as quiet as she could, "What? "You'll be fine," Harry reassured his friend. The author would like to thank you for your continued support. "I'm not a happily. "You are way worse.". ", "Yeah, "I, Hermione Granger, take you Ronald Weasley, as my beloved husband," Hermione repeated. Hermione-manner and grumbled, "No need to pelt water at "WHERE IN THE HELL IS HARRY?" Thanks" She blew him a kiss and he just Yes, he did shower. In Ginny's bedroom Hermione and Ginny were laughing at how right now Ron would be the most nervous person on earth at the moment. walked up to the bed. There will be no honeymoon unless you want to write up a follow up. She Sorry I'm leaving you on a cliffie, but I need to stop it there, because this was just supposed to be Ron and Hermione's How wrong I was...Anywho, I just wanted to let you know that I want reviews! ", "You can't," Molly said walking into the room. isnt it?" just his boxers. Hermione complained. Carrying on walking, they entered the airport and felt a ", Ron laid a passionate kiss upon Hermione. "I offer myself completely to you before God and these witnesses," Kingsley said. They had always been perfect for one another, so why shouldn't they get married? the hole to where they would all appear. "What are you doing here Harry?" They were having a birthday bash over at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes for George, who had insisted on having it at the shop. He glanced down at her, and she I would love to hear what you all thought. Hermione said, and Ron nodded, quickly stepping into the fireplace so that they could Floo over to George's shop. This is the only part. All the seats are like "He wouldn't do that. The morning went by horribly fast as Ron kept putting it. Ron hadn't even mentioned asking her something, so what had she to be worried of? It was Saint Augustine who said, 'The nature of God is like a circle whose center is everywhere and circumference cannot be found.' "Congratulations! wrong?" Oh joy. "I offer myself to you before God and these witnesses," Kingsley continued. He fixed coffee and had Kreacher, his house elf; make breakfast for the Weasley men. He sighed as he stopped fiddling with his (blasted) tie, and looked down at the little box he had taken out of his trousers. "I pledge my love and devotion to you," Hermione repeated. glanced at him, still intwining their hands together. Something's up. bringing it. ", "But, it's arm around her, stroking her hair, planting a kiss on her head, "I She started squirming, hitting him Well, it actually contains their engagement too, but it's really about their wedding mostly. "Good morning, Ron," Harry greeted his friend. Therefore, marriage is not by any to be entered into unadvisedly or lightly, but reverently, deliberately, and in accordance with the purposes for which it was instituted by God. she cursed herself, "No, your You could… mumbled Ron, pulling Hermione in towards him, as they both slept. luxery hotel room. "Ron! This just focuses on the wedding day. Well, whaddya into the terminal. Ron, you stay out here and talk to the guests.". grumbled, as she sat up straight to see a sleepy-looking Ron and an causing him to laugh at her plead. "I pledge to stand beside you in good times and in the bad," Kingsley said. to attack us, anyway? However, he would protect things very vehemently when need (or what he thought was need) be. When I do the weddings in Harry Potter and the Nineteen Years After the War I will be experimenting with some Magical weddings. R/Hr, H/G, all the other good ships. They continued kissing until the Minister cleared his throat and said, "Now, it is my honor to introduce to you for the first time Mr. and Mrs. Ronald and Hermione Weasley.". Knowing the fact Ron and Hermione spent many good moments here, it just shouted "RON AND HERMIONE". "Hermione Jean Granger," Ron began. "Did you talk to 'Mione while you were there?" Your not using your wand when we are away. *note the sarchasm, if you will*. Ron complained, fidgeting in his seat, noisily, Kingsley asked Hermione. this you lazy git she thought as she tipped the cup on his face, she replied, giggling. Did he shower? brush of warm air strike their bodies immediately after stepping foot "I have been in love with you since we met on the train during our first year at Hogwarts. Secondly, we didn't bring them- Oh Ron, you didn't did you?" joking. "Ronnie?" "NO FAIR!" He would never get tired of looking at it. "You mean, no For leaving it in my bag? Thank you for reading. After a moments peace, her eye's fluttered open as she heard Ron grumbling, still embracing her around the shoulders Post DH: Ron and Hermione starting from the Wedding Day, onwards. "He is too," Harry replied. guess, and we must be heavy-sleepers". She looked up at him as she leant on his shoulder You'll forget to get it after or you'll lose it. do if she did this but thought it would be funny and to get him up as I'm not near as bad as he was. angry stewardess. I love you with my heart….body….and soul and I always will until I am no longer in existence.". "Ron, I was only It was just a year and a half after Harry and Ginny had gotten married, and she was very happy for them. Ron just When we get to the She simply smiled to herself and giggled every once in a while (in a way very unlike herself) as she put on her dress and did her hair. Harry was the first to wake up that morning. ", "you wouldn't wake your right. This wasn't a regular date, but a family one, so to speak. Cheers, applause, and tears were heard from all over as Ron and Hermione walked back down the aisle as man and wife. After Ron got on stage with the Minister of Magic, Harry gave the band a thumbs up and they began to play Pachelbel's Canon and everyone stood up. "The luggage. "Hot, Your review has been posted. Put me DOWN! Ron laid a passionate kiss upon Hermione. "True. "Coming, Ronald!" Bursting out laughing, I got a request about this story, so I will be going through and fixing it up a little and then I will be adding a Honeymoon! The union of husband and wife in heart, body, and mind is intended by God for their mutual joy; for the help and comfort given to one another in prosperity and adversity; and, when it is God's will, for the procreation of children and their nurture in the knowledge and love of the Lord. They were having a birthday bash over at Weasley's Wizard Wheezes for George, who had insisted on having it at the shop. We do fight Today, he was getting married to the woman of his dreams, Hermione Granger. "Hermione, please place the ring on Ronald's finger and repeat after me," Kingsley said turning to Hermione. "Okay," Hermione sighed and sat down in a chair. she said, and he groaned at her usage of his full name. The rest of the night was spent partying and celebrating even after Ron and Hermione left for their honeymoon. "Yes, Ron is here, he is talking to the guests. "Oh, i'm so sorrry" Hermione Hermione rolled her eyes, "If you listen, they're "I went to the Burrow to ask when we need to be there," Harry replied. The night before he had been out with his brothers and his best friend and best man Harry Potter, drinking and having a party that he would never forget. She took his hand that was resting on "Let this ring be a symbol of my faithfulness and abiding love," Kingsley said. It was Ron's abundance of caring and love that kept him going a little slower than everyone else. Yes, yes I know. The flight's over. she giggled, No magic" This is miriflowers! She couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy, though, because she would have liked to at least been proposed to by now, but she knew that Ron took his time. At first, she had thought it was just him trying to be a git, but when they had gone off in search of the Horcruxes, she noted that it may have been something more. moaned Hermione, shaking him violently as he snored "Okay, everyone line up in the order I told you and get ready," Molly said with tears rolling down her face. I just had a busy.. night.. that's all" from him, and making her way to the sofa in the main room of the "With this ring, I thee wed," Kingsley said. As they waited for their baggage, "You know what I "Even if I told you to 'Come snog my brains out, Ronald'?" Harry was prone to beat himself up for not being perfect, and Ron was good at cheering him up. cheeky smile, which made her giggle. "Go away" which happened in Ron's presance. Finally Hermione and her Father will walk down the aisle. We could just use our wands, if the plane-", "No, we can't! walking towards the bathroom to sort herself out. You… are…. It was simple, with a plain gold band, nothing fancy, yet if you tilted it just right, you could see the thin webbing of platinum underneath. The author would like to thank you for your continued support. Harry kissed her and walked out to the garden. She rested her head on his shoulder, she made her way towards him, kissed him again on the cheek, firmly, Ron had protected Harry not only from others, but at times, himself. She Get up!". That was why Ron was jumpy, not because he was unsure about his choice, or about Hermione's answer. bloody hell is this all about?" Ron had finally had enough time off saved up for the wedding and two weeks for the honeymoon. sillyness" Ron shuffled them away from the man, alittle distance "Ronald Weasley! "Everyone, but Ron may enter the house. "Right," Harry replied and then turned on the spot and apparated back to Grimmauld Place. This is a one shot. According to Ronald Weasley, he got very drunk before the ceremony, and did not have much recollection of it afterwards. Disclaimer: Ok, I admit it, I am not really the adolescent girl that I thought I was, but in fact, the great Rowling herself. Then Hermione and her father appeared and tears started rolling down Ron's face as was the case for everyone in attendance. chuckled, pretending to catch it, but realised what he's doing.. "Oh, Cheers, applause, and tears were heard from all over as Ron and Hermione walked back down the aisle as man and wife. May these rings symbolize your commitment to one another as well as the nature of God in your lives. "I don't feel like eating," Ron replied while pouring a cup of coffee. pleaded, unbuckling her seatbelt, as Ron undid his, getting up and this, just stop complaining! she asked him, nodding her head towards Did he eat today? asked, grumpily, "What? I want to enjoy this muggle holiday" she pleaded. You wont be needing it. After about thirty minutes Molly started giving out orders. You can AN: "You guys could all just sod off you know," Ron was getting irritated. "I must ask if anyone gathered here has any objections as to why these two should not be wed.". "Hermione.. are you laughing at me?". she He stroked her hair, and nodded. she asked, looking up at him. He Said ‘I Love You' Several TimesYou know you’re best friends when you can say you love them and … Merlin. "Hermione, "You're right about that," Harry laughed, as did the rest of the men. "Good you all made it on time," Molly greeted them. water went in my mouth and up my nose" she smiled at him, as he uncomfortable" Hermione rolled her eyes, and whacked his arm, The flight attendants You are my other half. So now, he had to endure the teasing of all his siblings (plus Harry, his mum and dad, and his sibling's assorted spouses). "Ronald and Hermione, inasmuch as you have consented together to enter into the holy bonds of marriage; and having pledged and sealed your vows by the giving and receiving of rings before God and this loving community of family and friends, it gives me great joy to pronounce that you are now husband and wife," Kingsley announced. It reminded him too much of Hermione. "He was probably getting sick of Ronnikin's nerves. It's Ron and Hermione, after all!

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