In migration, the main challenge is separating Swainson’s from Gray-cheeked Thrush (and Bicknell’s Thrush, which is so similar to Gray-cheeked that the same field marks apply). An observer who waits patiently inside the woods may see the Veery itself, bounding across the forest floor with long springy hops or perching quietly in the undergrowth. Veery vs Hermit Thrush The day ended up better weather wise than the TV news folks predicted. The Hermit Thrush sings ethereal, paired phrases, long flute-like notes backed by complex, reedy phrases. A movement down low caught my attention however. A more hardy bird than the other brown-backed thrushes, the Hermit migrates north earlier in spring and lingers later in fall than the others; it is the only one likely to be seen in winter in North America. This small forest thrush gets its name from the cascade of “veer” notes that make up its ethereal, reedy song—a common sound at dusk and dawn in summer in the damp northern woods. Hermit Thrush would have slightly bolder, more well-defined breast spots than this bird and Wood Thrush even more so (plus it would be a much richer, reddish brown on the upperparts). Hermit Thrushes have a cinnamon tail that contrasts with a duller brown back unlike Veeries which are uniformly cinnamon-brown. I thought Swainson's too. An unassuming bird with a lovely, melancholy song, the Hermit Thrush lurks in the understories of far northern forests in summer and is a frequent winter companion across much of the country. If startled from the ground in the forest interior it often perches low and stares at the observer, flicking its wings nervously and slowly raising and lowering its tail. Many rate it among the finest singers. Wood Thrushes have bold, black breast spots, so distinct that you can make out each individual spot, unlike the smudgy brown spots of Hermit Thrushes. Check out the photos below to compare the species, and see what other differences you can pick out! From the words of Thoreau’s Journals in 1852, “The thrush alone declares the immortal wealth and vigor that is in the forest. They also habitually quickly raise and slowly lowering their tail; no other Catharus thrush does this. It forages on the forest floor by rummaging through leaf litter or seizing insects with its bill. The Swainson's Thrush announces its presence in early spring with subtle, limpid "whit" or "wink" sounds. The hermit thrush, on the other hand, is known by its plain brown head and back and its bright rufous-brown tail.Hermits may nest on the ground, but also in the lowest branches of Rain is projected for the next several days so I needed to get the grass cut and do some other things in the yard. The Veery is slightly smaller than the Wood Thrush, with upperparts a uniform warm reddish-tawny color, and underparts white, with the breast speckled lightly with spots of the same tawny color as the upperparts.

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