Karen Pomeroy: You call this clarity? Sean Smith: What about Papa Smurf? You killed her, Frank!
Lilian Thurman: What did you want for Christmas that year? /Font << Donnie Darko: I’m sorry Dr. Fisher. Gretchen Ross: Why, is this about the book?
Where? But that’s easy. I’ll call you back. Donnie Darko: To be alone. DARKO HOUSE – BATHROOM They want to change things. Joanie? Donnie Darko: You ever hear of Grandma Death?
"Donnie Darko" Scripts.com. DARKO HOUSE, LANDING Remember? Rose Darko: I know, I saw it on TV. Ronald Fisher: Leave him alone! They still can’t find him. I’m going to Harvard. Donnie Darko: I don’t want to talk about it. Because entirely too many young men and women today are completely paralysed by their fears. MD Frank: Do you believe in time travel? TV Announcer 1: Darrel Green again with a display of amazing speed… SCHOOL – OUTSIDE
Just walks back and forth and back and forth to the mailbox. Donnie Darko: Yeah.
Greatest invention ever to benefit mankind. despite the fact that no airline will claim …. Kittie Farmer: Shhh! Donnie Darko: Cellar Door. She runs off, and the father laughs.
stream Eddie Darko: Yes. Donnie Darko: What makes you think I’m not? DARKO HOUSE, BATHROOM They are carrying knives>.
I believe I’ve made myself clear.
Girl #2: What are faeces? Parent: We pay good money for this school. I looked through the mirror. Or, like, dead people? Principal Cole, I’ll show you what else.
Donnie Darko: I think about girls a lot. Elizabeth Darko: OK, you want to tell Mom and Dad why you stopped taking your medication? Lilian Thurman: This is a common occurrence among paranoid schizophrenics. Donnie Darko: It is if everyone dies alone.
MD Frank (as voiceover): 28 days… Bitch. Kitty Farmer: … Thank you. He then stands up, looking down into the, expansive rock canyon. Jim Cunningham: Yeah, that’s what I like to hear! Yeah, I know. Rose, you have got to meet this Jim Cunningham. They could have said the same thing about Donnie. I’ll call you back. Reporter (on television): …. Gretchen Ross: He stabbed my Mom four times in the chest. My political attitudes are forthright. Samantha Darko: What’s a fuck-ass? Frank: Is she dead?
OCTOBER 10, 1988 (TWENTY DAYS REMAIN) << Kitty Farmer: Fear and love are the deepest of human emotions. Gretchen Ross: What happened? Principal: I don’t have time to get into a debate about this Karen. He called the cops! Kenneth Monnitoff: Well each vessel travels along a vector though space-time, along its centre of gravity. Principal: How did this happen? TV Announcer 2: You’re right Dan. Father is still asleep in chair.>,
Donnie Darko: When it reminds you how beautiful the world can be?
Samantha Darko: I’m not allowed to talk about it. Donnie! It’s our children! Don’t fucking move!
Sean Smith: Oh, wait, wait, wait.
Kitty Farmer: If you don’t complete the assignment you’ll get a zero for the day. >> Tell her to get off the couch, stop eating Twinkies, and maybe go out for field hockey. Ronald Fisher: That’s some good shit huh. The P.T.A. I made her lead dancer!
Donnie Darko: You’re suck a fuck-ass!
Gretchen Ross: Where are we going? She, approaches her dad from behind. DARKO HOUSE – PARENTS BEDROOM Seth Devlin: What did you just say? These cookies do not store any personal information. Donnie Darko: Why? a��z_|� !�x�[�07|�BFX��f��S���A����i;-�OH����T,�#g�^D2����Ï��������?T%�w���6i�?������v�#7!��FX�i�bX�,;�fCm�O��5`ֵ�5#��0��W��TJ�� I wish a jet engine would have fallen on my room.
MD Frank: 28 days, 6 hours, 42 minutes, 12 seconds. Dr. Thurman: Real or imaginary? Rose… I have to appear at his arraignment tomorrow morning. George Bush (on television): Panama is a friendly country. Gretchen Ross: Do you want to walk me home? Donnie’s youngest sister is on a trampoline, and his mother is reading Stephen King’s It next to her in a chair. ROBERTA SPARROW’S HOUSE – FRONT YARD Donnie Darko: Well, they say it right when they flood the house and they tear it to shreds, that destruction is a form of creation. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Gretchen Ross: Do you want to walk me home? Fear and love.
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